Isis Queen of the Barb Wire Dolls

MARIA AND ISIS 1 (1)HRH: What’s the future going to be for BARB WIRE DOLLS … what are your plans and hopes?

Isis: I hope for nothing, I fear nothing, I am free! That is a quote from the Cretan writer Nikos Kazantzakis. That says it all!

HRH: You have been often called enigmatic, attractive, sexy punk rock singer, with an amazingly powerful voice! How would you describe yourself in three words -or more if you like?

Isis: Body, mind, soul!

HRH: Thank you Isis for making the time for HARDROCK HAVEN. It’s been absolute pleasure to catch up with you and the band! Best of luck with the production of your new record!

Photos appear courtesy of: Jade Jadranka

Special thank you to Mick Wood, (from MONST.A Entertainment’s, London) for making possible for us to watch the BWD ‘Purple Turtle’ show!

Music Video of “I Will Sail”(Demo version!!) Promo video…

Music video of ‘Take Me Home’

*** Live videos of ‘Rhythm Method’ tracks from the 2014 Fall UK-European tour:
‘Darby Crash’/’Drown’/’Surreal’/’Rhythm Method’ (4 songs):

‘Blind To Your Misery’ (live in London):

‘If I Fall’ (live in Munich):

‘Heart Attack’ (live in Liverpool):

‘Make Riot Not War’ (live in Paris):