by Anabel DFlux
– Senior Photojournalist —
Senior journalist Anabel DFlux caught up via phone with industrial musician Justin Symbol, on his way to the first date of the Punishment Tour with William Control. The self-proclaimed “King of Negativity,” Justin Symbol is a rising star in the community, and fans are loving it! The two chatted about the upcoming tour, some freaky fan experiences, the concept for the new album, and so much more.
Music fans, want to help an artist out? Justin Symbol and his band have an IndieGoGo campaign running to aid with touring costs. Nab some cool merchandise (which can be picked up on tour or mailed shortly after), while helping get the music out there!
To participate in Justin Symbol and his band IndieGoGo campaign use this link: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/justin-symbol-u-s-punishment-tour