by Deb Rao
– Senior Columnist —
Punk princess Avril Lavigne returns to the scene with her fifth self-titled studio release. The album finds Avril collaborating with Nickelback singer Chad Kroeger. The self-titled release features the edge punk vibe along with heart tugging ballads that have become the signature for Avril Lavigne’s sound.
Opening track “Rock N’Roll” sets the pop rock sound for the first four tracks. This song is very upbeat and reminds one of a young Joan Jett. One of the catchiest tracks on the album “Here’s To Never Growing Up” is very upbeat and sets the tone of summertime driving along the highway with your windows down, “Singing Radiohead at the top of your lungs.” The entire album celebrates youth and the angst of growing up and falling in and out of love.
Midway through the album the true punk Goddess shines with her intense stripped down ballads and on the razor rock edged ballads. Ballad “Let Me Go” featuring Chad Kroeger is a diamond in the rough pure gem. The lyrics and emotion tug at your heart. The strip down in your face melody and lyrics continue with the snappy “Give You Want You Like.” It’s not until “Bad Girl” where punk infuses intently with Marilyn Manson echoing “Bad Girl.” This song is killer and Lavigne is at her best raw and real.
Just as the top of the album rocked hard, the tail end of the release ends on a more poignant quieter effect. “Falling Fast” has a mesmerizing sound with tales of young love. It reflects Avril’s power ballads that just drag you in. The album ends with the beautiful “Hush Hush” that features piano and slowly builds to a dynamic climax. The different genres of music showcase Avril as one of the more stronger singer-songwriters in the business. The collaboration with Chad Kroeger is an experiment that takes the artist to the next level.
Special Thanks to Kim from BWR for letting us know about the new release.
Genre: Rock
Avril Lavigne
Special Guests:
Chad Kroeger
Marilyn Manson
Track Listing:
1. Rock N’Roll
2. Here’s To Never Growing Up
3. 17
4. Bitchin’ Summer
5. Let Me Go
6. Give You What I Like
7. Bad Girl
8. Hello Kitty
9. You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet
10. Sippin On Sunshine
11. Hello Heartache
12. Falling Fast
13. Hush Hush
Label: Columbia Records
Website: www.facebook.com/avrillavigne
Hardrock Haven rating: 8/10