by Jenn Carbaugh
– Columnist —
As of late, reunions for bands have been pretty popular. This is true for different locations, including Denmark. Jackal will be re-releasing Cry of the Jackal with five bonus tracks. The band is musically walking down the same path that they did in ’80s with the album before it was amped up.
Known for amazing riffs and guitar solos, Cry of the Jackal’s bonus tracks are no disappointment. “Dinosaur Invasion” is the first of the new tracks on the album. It begins with eerie background music and slowly transitions into a riff that sounds a lot like the old Jackal. There isn’t too much excitement for this track. It sounds a lot like a ’90s anthem and has been done before. The next song, “Out of Sight, Out of Mind” is a bit of a letdown as well. There are amazing melodic guitar abilities, but it is all instrumental and doesn’t have a lot of variety.
“Solution” slows down the pace, but it works very well. Erwin Siereveld’s vocals give the song texture. A riff brings in more intensity, and then, the song goes back to a slower tune. There is range in this song, which is much needed in a few of the others. “Dream Review” starts hard and the percussion and beginning vocals really set this song apart. There is dialogue in the beginning, and its unnatural sound is somewhat interesting.
The last song on the album sounds like it is going to be hard hitting and what Cry of the Jackal needs. It is probably the best song on the album. The influence of Iron Maiden can definitely be heard, which allows this song to outshine the others. There sounds like this is more overall effort in this track. The others were not done poorly; they just did not seem amped up or refreshing. They were a bit dull in what was expected.
The bonus tracks are not a total disappointment, so this album is recommended. There are some different sounds that may or may not work, depending on the listener. If you were a Jackal fan before, check it out.
Genre: Power Metal
Erwin Siereveld – Vocals
John Bouman – Guitar
Tercy Paul – Guitar
Stephan Pecler – Bass
Rich Waalewijn – Drums
Track Listing:
01. Pain in the Ass
02. Pharaoh
03. The Law
04. Nightmare
05. Cry of the Jackal
06. Lost and Found
07. Dinosaur Invasion
08. Out of Sight, Out of Mind
09. Solution
10. Dream Review
11. The Enchantress
Label: Pure Underground Records
Website: https://www.facebook.com/jackalonline
Hardrock Haven Rating: 5/10