by Jonna Ambur
– Senior Photojournalist —
When the Deadbolt Breaks, a Connecticut-based doom metal band, has been around for almost 10 years. The current lineup, Aaron Lewis (guitar/vocals), Mike Parkyn (bass/vocals) and Rich Kalinowski (drums), has signed with EarOne Productions and currently is planning a fourth release, a double-CD package.
Drifting Toward the Edge of the Earth, was written and recorded by When the Deadbolt Breaks in late 2011-2012 at Room SevenZeroEight. Disc 1, The Drifting, comprises eight songs; ”The Woods are Full of Killers,” “The Scavengers Daughter,” “Sleeps in Burning Hills,” “Too Much Perfection is a Mistake,” “California Comes the Rain,” “Hide the Bodies from God,” “GunSwallower” and “We are the Wolves.” Disc 2, The Endless, features one 50-minute recording called “My Coffin is Loaded with Sand and Fire.” The tracks include vocals by guests, Cherilynne, Merrilee and Randy Larson (from Cable, Empty Flowers). Drifting Toward the Edge of the Earth will be an early 2013 release.
This two-disc set is preceded by, In the Ruins, No Light Shall Shine (2005-2006 – Spare Change Records), a split-CD with Negative Reaction (2008 – PsycheDOOMelic Records) and The Last Day of Sun (2010 – FuzzTown Records).
When asked to describe who, exactly, is “When the Deadbolt Breaks,” Aaron offered a mystical description. “… A vision of doom. [Picture this] God lights up a smoke in a flash of lightning, inhaling a hollow smoky autumn wind of leaf and ash. Exhaling, his deep sigh thunders across a pitch sky, rolling with the turn of his head into the vast emptiness of space and one’s heart. Eyes and sweat gleam with a second strike of God’s light as it cracks with the triggered hammer, and it is done. God’s not watching anymore. Justice of a torn heart rips through the soul and veins of the assailant, as does the wet breath of unwatching faith, pulling the petals from their thorny stems across the threshold and her face.”
The music is described as “The visionary soundtrack to one’s demising justice, the painful retort of a broken heart.”
The sound, musical talent, lyrics and mood go beyond the norm, expanding the mind and entering your soul. When The Deadbolt breaks certainly will leave its mark on music and in the gut of doom metal fans around the world.
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[Photos by Jonna Ambur]
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