by Jenn Carbaugh
– Columnist —
Altered Sky is fulfilling their fairy tale while they paint stories with their self-written material. This Glasgow rock band has an ambitious feat ahead of them with 3 U.K. tours. The contagious words of lyricist Ana Nowosielska let this female fronted band truly animate who they are with their music. Not only are they led by a female vocalist, they have a female drummer. That’s one reason they stand out in a crowd. Another reason is that this hard-working five-piece has started from the bottom by working small venues. They have put in effort to get the fan-base that they have today.
The EP starts with “Where I belong.” It is a simple and somewhat slow start. It isn’t quite pop, and it’s not rough enough to be rock. “Traitor In Me” has more life to it. This is a song that has more ambition and confidence projection. The sound can compare to that of songs by Paramore. Altered Sky carries more of a punk-pop sound throughout this EP.
“Decay” is also simple but catchy. The chorus is a bit infectious and can easily get stuck in your head. “Live For It” keeps up with the overall progression of the EP. It’s enjoyable and upbeat. They are getting the attention they deserve by playing some larger venues. They are working their way up the musical ladder.
Genre: Rock, Pop-Rock
Ana Nowosielska – vocals
Amy Blair – drums
Richard Passe – guitar
Neil Ramsay – guitar
Ross Archibald – bass
Track Listing:
01. Where I Belong
02. Traitor In Me
03. Decay
04. Live For It
Label: Native Records
Website: http://alteredsky.com/
Hardrock Haven Rating: 7/10