Do You Want Your Own Signature Series Guitar?
Most electric guitar manufacturers release Signature Series models to honor pickers they believe have merit. This is an arbitrary process with very few people getting that recognition. The really talented pickers are totally ignored by the major companies and can never hope to get that level of recognition.
Starting today, we are democratizing Signature Series electric guitars. Now you and your band can now have your own incredible high performance Signature Series electric guitars. You can offer your Signature Series guitars to your fans as an effective way to increase your income.
Our AweSome brand electric guitar “Life” models with SSS pickup configurations use the familiar Strat-style and Tele-style body shapes. These exceptional guitars combine several incredible features that are not available from anyone else. Features like an enhanced-sustain maple compound radius fretboard, long-life Kill Switch, a range of all 35 pickup tones, plus many other high-value features.
These models are named “Life” because once you experience the unmatchable and patented range of 35 pickup tones these guitars offer you they will breathe new Life into your passion for playing. They give you 35 pickup tones right out of the box which is 30 more unique pickup tones than any similar guitar. You get all the “hidden” pickup tones that you cannot get with other instruments because they all the other companies use that creativity-limiting antique 5-way pickup switch.
Both “Life” guitars give you six DuoBuckerTM pickup tones and four TroikaBuckerTM pickup tones. Imagine having the power to quickly put all three pickup coils in series to get rarely-heard heavy metal tones so “Fat”, they’re obese, and these guitars also produce numerous incredibly intense country twang tones.
You get the complete range of pickup tones that are possible — all on one AweSome “Life” guitar:
Blues, Jazz, Metal, Surf, intense Country twang, glass-shattering pickup tones and dozens of additional subtle pickup tones in between to give you the ultimate “Holy Crap” experience! Owning a “Life” guitar is like having up to a dozen unique guitars all rolled into one. Even better, the “Life” Electric Guitars give you the Signature Sounds of ALL the guitar gods of every headliner group since the 1940s. These guitars are for serious players who want quality sound.
Your Big Financial Benefit
Now you can offer your fans incredible instruments that will give them more pickup tone power that makes all the guitar gods sound puny by comparison.
Now you finally have a way to immediately get the recognition you deserve with your own Signature Series instruments and get paid for it too! It’s the easiest way ever for you to generate more revenue. This is a cost-effective and easy way for you to leverage our impossibility-defying ingenuity to provide incredible “Jaw-Dropping” benefit to your fans. Now you can offer your fans your own Signature Series instruments (and instrument upgrades) as well as increase your income.
Those who are interested can now fast-track their prominence. Contact us and ask for details about our special Signature Series AweSome Affiliate Program. You have nothing to lose except the additional income you won’t see.
Who We Are
AweSome Musical Instruments has a growing family of Made in U.S.A. Pickup Switch UpgradeTM products designed to give you all the additional pickup tones that you cannot get with any stock electric guitar or bass. They now have their own brand of electric guitars that use their upgrade products to give you all the additional hidden pickup tones that you cannot get with any stock guitar. These are incredible guitars that will give you 35 pickup tones. These passive switch products don’t use batteries, come with a Lifetime Warranty and they will give you amazing tones without changing your pickups.
You can get more information about this offer at: www.AweSome-Guitars.com
“Our products are the Swiss Army Knife of pickup tones.”
We’re not just light years ahead of everyone; we are completely in the next galaxy.
We’re AweSome – and they’re not.