by Craig Newman
– Columnist —
The Norwegian singer (Leaves’ Eyes and ex-Theater of Tragedy) recorded her fifth solo album and took time to talk briefly about her new album on Napalm Records while doing shows with The Sirens. Kristine’s Gothic music influences include Anneke van Giersbergen (ex-The Gathering) and Kari Rueslåtten (ex-The 3rd And The Mortal).
CN: Hi, Liv, since my conversation with you regarding The Sirens. Talk about your new solo album. With your fifth solo album to be released, were you writing the songs while recording with Leaves’ Eyes Symphonies Of The Night album and touring?
L: Hi there Craig – lovely talking to you again! VERVAIN, my soon-to-be-released solo album was composed after the release of Leaves’ Eyes Symphonies Of The Night. It’s important to finish one production before starting a new one. However, I did spend some moments on tour figuring out what kind of main themes I would like to include in my lyrics for VERVAIN.
CN: How long did it take to record the album and the sound or theme you wanted for this project? Are the songs based Celtic and Norse myths, legends and history?
L: I’ve been releasing solo albums since 1998, and for this album, being my fifth one, we needed about a year, which is pretty fast. My solo albums do not include Celtic and Norse myths, legend and history. That’s Leaves’ Eyes’ “territory.”
CN: Who produced it, where was it recorded?
L: Thorsten Bauer, my friend and guitar player of Leaves’ Eyes is the main composer of the album, next to my husband, Alexander, who co-composed and produced my album. It was recorded at our own Mastersound Studio in Germany. It is a back-to-my-own-roots album; it’s darker, heavier and doom-inspired. I felt that this was the perfect moment as I am always listening to my artistic heart and mind. I am very, very happy about this release, and I think many Theatre of Tragedy fans and followers will be, too.
CN: What dose Vervain mean?
L: Firstly, it is a holy herb with purple or white or flowers on delicate spikes. It is often associated with divine and other supernatural forces. It was called “Tears of Isis” in ancient Egypt and is mentioned in William Faulkner’s short story an Odour of Verbena. In real life it’s nearly scentless. I chose this title because I see love, which is the “red line” in my lyrics on this album, as a divine feeling and power. Love is divine, I like to associate it with vervain. We all know, though, that love can be both wonderful as well as it can hurt you. I enjoy turning the coin, observing the opposite side of feelings, happenings and things in my lyrics. Then, secondly, which is kind of interesting, is that this herb is also seen as a vampire’s most well-known weakness, because physical contact will burn them, i.e. become feverish and weak. Yes, this is what love sometimes does to you …
CN: How many songs on the album?
L: 10 plus two bonus tracks.
CN: Who are the musicians you recorded with?
L: Doro Pesch – guest vocals “Stronghold of Angels”, Michelle Darkness – guest vocals “Love Decay,” Thorsten Bauer – electric and acoustic guitars, bass, keys, programming, Christoph Kutzer – cello. Music by Liv Kristine Espenæs Krull, in cooperation with Thorsten Bauer and Alexander Krull.
CN: What and whom you reference for the songs “My Wilderness.” “Hunters.” “Love Decay” and “Lotus”?
L: The songs “My Wilderness” and “Hunters” are about the human instinct, or let’s say, the animal inside us humans. I also focus upon our connection to Mother Earth and the circles of life, the circles of nature. “Love Decay” is a tragic love story – it can be transferred to love between two humans that just couldn’t happen, or a relationship between a human and a vampire: “Can we be lovers in the light?” However, I am also singing about the instinct to feel attracted to someone and you can neither forbid it to happen nor deny it. “Lotus” is a flower that grows in muddy environment, however rises to become a really beautiful flower. The lotus flower has been used to indicate different meanings in different circumstances. In a relationship, it is normally used to mean being totally in love with someone and being forgetful of all that has happened in the past between you. It is also used in Asian religions especially in India to represent awakening to the spiritual reality of life. To me the lotus flower is an image of both pure love and spiritual growth.
CN: Doro sings with you on “Stronghold of Angels.” Did you ask her to sing with you for this song?
L: Doro Pesch, as a singer, and as a person, is definitely a role-model for me. She is wonderful, just fantastic. We all have a lot to learn from her. She is the most down-to-earth and honest person and artist I know. A dream came true for me: Doro was here at Mastersound Studio recording this duet just some weeks ago. “Stronghold of Angels” is truly one breathtaking power-ballad – I just knew that Doro would be my perfect partner in duet here. Yes, we talked on the phone, and a few days later she was here. We had so many crazy stories to exchange … in the end, the second day, we nearly missed her train!
CN: Are there other guest singers and did you ask your sister (Carmen) to sing with you since you sang with her on SAVN’s debut album?
L: Carmen just became a mother for the second time so she’s been and is incredibly busy. It was a pleasure singing on SAVN’s album! However, my perfect duet partner on “Love Decay” is Michelle Darkness – our long-time friend! His voice is just incredible and absolutely perfect for this song! I have good news: yesterday we shot a video-clip for this song which will be ready in a week or so. Stay tuned for more news and beautiful pictures!
CN: Are you planning to do shows with a different band for the album as headliner or support for another band?
L: I will soon be on tour with The Sirens. I will include a few songs from VERVAIN in my set list, of course.
CN: Maybe if feasible to do some U.S. shows?
L: I would absolutely love to! Invite me over!
CN: Any plans for a Leaves’ Eyes and you solo albums compilation disc set and DVD releases including Symphonies Of The Night and for soundtracks for movies, television and/or video games?
L: I have always dreamed of composing or being part of a soundtrack for a movie or video games! I hope I will be able to do so in the future.
CN: Thanks for your time, the fans, including new fans will like this album and music from Leaves’ Eyes and being exposed to Theater of Tragedy.
L: I thank you for taking the time to interview me! I hope to see you soon, hopefully very soon on a North-American tour, solo/the Sirens or Leaves’ Eyes! Thank you to my U.S. fans and friends for supporting me throughout all these years. The release dates are October 24, 2014 for Europe, October 27, 2014 for UK and November 4, 2014 for USA & Canada.