by Joe Mis
– Senior Columnist —
The music of Luxembourg’s My Own Ghost is difficult to pigeon-hole. Perhaps the band’s own words describe it best: “We are a rock band. And sometimes a pop band. With electronic things.” However you classify it – power metal, Gothic metal, female-fronted metal, progressive metal, pop/electronic metal – the music on their debut release Love Kills is simply GOOD.
My Own Ghost was founded in 2013 by guitarists Fred Brever and David Soppelsa, and bassist Joe May. They added singer Julie Rodesch (Providers, Seven Days On Fire) and drummer Michael Stein (Red Circuit) to complete the lineup. Each member of the band has a different musical background, and each contributes to the songwriting process – giving them a varied and diverse sound. Musically they blend elements from almost every modern metal genre, and deliver it with excellent musicianship and the right amount of fire. Rodesch has a great voice and a decent range. She is passionate and emotional whether doing a ballad, something heavy, or a pop-tinged piece. The guitar teamwork of Brever and Soppelsa is far better than average – they sound like they have been playing together for many years. The rhythm section is no slouch either – May’s bass is spot on and Stein’s drums clockwork perfection no matter the style.
Musical highlights include: the energetic opener “Crimson Ground,” an anti-war anthem with a bit of a Flyleaf meets Evanescence vibe; the kicky bass line and superb vocals on “Lost;” the blend of pop and alternative metal (and extra crunchy guitars) on “Waiting In The Wings;” the incurably peppy and poppy “Beautiful Mistake” and the way it contrasts with the piano-driven “Silence;” the radio ready, toe-tap inducing “Free Fall;” the very strong teamwork of guitar, bass, and drums on the eerie “Born In Fire;” and the overall thrashy feel to the intense final track, “Intoxicated.”
Love Kills is a very strong debut from a very strong band. My Own Ghost proves itself to be a band to watch – everything just clicks. Well written and structured songs are balanced by excellent technical performances, and the band is just dripping with potential. If you look beyond Rodesch’s superb voice, you’ll realize that the entire band deserves high praise for their technical ability and near flawless delivery. The broad range of musical styles should give them equally broad appeal, and the radio-friendly delivery of even their heaviest and darkest material can only help. This “broadness” may be the band’s one weakness – as they grow they truly need to focus on achieving a more cohesive sound and style so they can build a firm fan base. Couple the band’s raw talent with warm and lively production and you have a winner all around.
My Own Ghost’s Love Kills is one of the better debuts of 2014. It is long (nearly an hour) and ambitious (13 tracks), and it delivers – highly recommended!
Genre: Melodic Metal
Julie Rodesch (vocals)
Fred Brever (guitars)
David Soppelsa (guitars)
Joe May (bass)
Michael Stein (drums)
Track Listing:
1. Crimson Ground
2. Lost
3. Waiting In The Wings
4. Crystal Ball
5. Bad Love
6. Beautiful Mistake
7. Silence
8. Free Fall
9. Pathways
10. Broken Mirror
11. Born In Fire
12. Mute
13. Intoxicated
Label: Secret Entertainment
Website: http://www.myownghost.com
Hardrock Haven rating: 8/10