by Justin Gaines
– Senior Columnist —
California-based power/thrash band Intrinsic was doing pretty well as the 1990s rolled in, especially when you consider how far removed they were geographically from both the L.A. and San Francisco metal scenes. They had one full-length (1987’s Intrinsic) and an EP (1990’s Distortion of Perspective) under their belts and despite some major lineup changes managed to write and record a very strong follow-up full-length, titled Nails. Unfortunately no one wanted to release it. The labels, once snatching up any Thrash Metal album they could get their hands on, saw a new musical landscape in the early ‘90s, and that flannel-clad wasteland had no place for a power-infused Thrash metal band like Intrinsic. Nails was shelved, and the band went on an extended hiatus.
Until now, that is. Nearly 25 years after it was recorded, Nails is finally seeing the light of day on the Divebomb Records label. The album, rescued from the original DAT tapes and newly remixed, can now be heard by the fans. Fortunately, Nails is an album that’s actually worth the wait. Intrinsic was not just your average Thrash band churning out Metallica-worship. Power Metal, Progressive Metal and even classic hard rock all factor in to the Nails sound, resulting in an album that sounds like Sanctuary meets Forbidden meets Heathen. The thrashing riffs are relentless, and there’s a precision and technicality to the rhythms that hints at Toxik. Lee Dehmer’s high pitched vocals are where the Power Metal element comes into play. His power and range are just a cut above so many of Intrinsic’s peers, and at times you’d swear you were listening to John Arch. Not always, but there are definitely moments. Even the backing vocals are strong.
Nails is a really strong album overall, and a unique enough one that it holds up quite well despite being very distinctly the product of another era. If you’re looking to sample a couple of tracks to get a feel for the Intrinsic sound, songs like “Fight No More,” “On Gossamer Wings” and opening thrasher “State of the Union” ought to do the trick. Covering Led Zeppelin’s classic “Dazed & Connfused” was an unusual choice for a Thrash band, but Intrinsic pulled it off surprisingly well.
It’s not often that the Heavy Metal vaults are opened and we receive a rare gem like this. If you’re one of the faithful Intrinsic fans from way back, Nails has to be a dream come true. For the rest of us, Nails may very well be our introduction to this underrated band. It’s definitely an album that fans of technical and power-driven thrash metal – specifically bands like Sanctuary, Heathen, Toxic, Forbidden and Vicious Rumors – will want to hear.
Edition Notes: As noted earlier, the original Nails album has been newly remixed for this release. It has also been newly mastered, and features the bonus track “Cannabis Sativa” (you can guess what that one’s about), as well as a booklet loaded with lyrics, vintage photos and an extended essay on this album’s long journey. Like all Divebomb titles, this one looks as good as it sounds.
Genre: Thrash Metal
Lee Dehmer (v)
Garrett Craddock (g) (v)
Joel Max Stern (b)
Chris Binns (d) (v)
Michael Mellinger (g) (v)
Track Listing:
1. State of the Union
2. Fight No More
3. Die Trying
4. On Gossamer Wings
5. Pillar of Fire
6. Mourn For Her
7. The Vicious Circle
8. Denial
9. Yikes!
10. Inner Sanctum
11. Dazed & Confused
12. Too Late, But Not Forgotten
13. Cannabis Sativa
Label: Divebomb Records
Website: www.facebook.com/intrinsicofficialpage
Hardrock Haven Rating: 8/10