It’s been a great career thus far, with three album releases under ZO2 and tours opening for Kiss and Poison and even a recent EP release (read on for more on that); but on March 28th, Paulie Z pulls the plug and he’s asking you to do the same.
On a recent excursion to Hong Kong, Paulie Z took time to record and release a video in support of Earth Hour, an annual event taking place since 2007 that offers a beneficial spin on the Earth Day concept. On March 28th, as posted on www.earthhour.org, the world literally unplugs for an hour and the result is an astounding favor the Earth is grateful for.
See the Earth Hour video here:
The concept began in Sydney Australia in 2007 and since, more than 7000 cities the world over are taking place in a single hour where every day people simply unplug, shut down and turn off everything electrical in their homes. It takes place between 8:30 and 9:30 PM in your specific timezone and in sixty minutes, the Earth’s residents offer a global impact that helps preserve the planet where we live. Visit www.earthhour.org for more information.
Now, about that EP release!
On his return from Hong Kong, Paulie Z booked Sunday night, March 21st at the newly renovated Lucky Strike Lanes on the corner of Hollywood and Highland Boulevards in Hollywood, CA and brought down the house with a free show and party to celebrate the release of his first solo EP titled, “Paulie Z”, featuring five new songs recorded for 2015.
Track Listing:
1. Rise Again
2. Live Today
3. Time Waits For No One
4. A Call To Love
5. Every Little Bit Of You
The night began at 8:00 PM and the show opened with an acoustic performance by Lucia Marco, followed by a full band set from Paulie Z. Co-writer and bandmate Charles Ramsey flew in from New York City to perform on Piano with the band and to help cut the cakes for guests. Quiet Riot bassist Chuck Wright also joined the band on stage for a fantastic rendition of Led Zeppelin’s Ramble On.
After a series of meet and greets and media coverage, the Lonely Drunks band, featuring Paulie Z on vocals and guitar, closed the show into the wee hours of the morning playing a crowd arousing set of traditional rock and roll classics from the past three decades.
You can find the new CD for sale starting immediately after Earth Hour by visiting www.pauliez.com and the iTunes release will be available in the next couple of weeks. To follow Paulie’s schedule of upcoming shows and to interact with him on the Social Network, visit www.facebook.com/officialpauliez.
Video of the Sunday Night Show is here:
Lucia Marco:
Paulie Z:
The Lonely Drunks: