by Joe Dolan
– Columnist —
On March 30th, 2015, media sensation Jimmy Kimmel and his staff at the ABC shown Jimmy Kimmel Live broadcast brought Van Halen to American television with a first ever nationally broadcast performance of Van Halen with original front man David Lee Roth. Viewed around the world, through traditional and on-line resources, the spectacle has become a viral discussion as to why David Lee Roth was adorned with a bandage over the bridge of his nose. Despite what some fan shot video has stated, it was not the mic stand that caused the injury.
Through years of his performances, Roth has offered a stage entrance that includes spinning a chrome microphone stand at critical speed along with a series of martial arts moves, a field Roth is well adept in performing. Never in history has his precision offered any form of personal injury on stage, but as fate would have it, this monumental on screen appearance dealt a different hand.
The show began promptly at 7:45, as promised, and the band took the stage while host Jimmy Kimmel announced the release of Van Halen’s latest album Tokyo Dome: LIVE!. This is the first ever official live album issued with Roth on vocals. For fans, there is nothing more cherished. As cameras captured what was necessary for broadcast, the lights brought attendees to applause and the band turned to fans with the start of the show. Roth began spinning his mic stand.
During the first twenty seconds of the show, a necklace with two sharp triangular pieces that appeared to be hand carved ivory, sprung up and caught Roth on the bridge of the nose, (as seen in the included video at marker 2:55). Roth immediately responded to the injury by wiping his hand across his nose and continued performing without concern.
During the next couple of minutes, Roth can be seen performing unencumbered by the obvious wound, but wiping blood from his nose repeatedly. It was during the solo that he turned to the side of the stage for assistance. It can be seen in the video where the band notices Roth is not on his mark with the song, but they continue to play, as professionals would do, before Roth re-emerged and announced that a situation had taken place.
Video here:
Despite the obvious unfortunate occurrence, Roth laughed it off while holding a roll of electrical tape that may have actually been used to stop the bleeding, and the band continued on to bring a stellar performance of seven classic Van Halen songs to the thousands of people that literally covered Hollywood Blvd.
Songs performed:
1. Panama
2. Runnin’ With The Devil
3. Hot For Teacher
4. Eruption/You Really Got Me
5. Dance The Night Away
6. Unchained
7. Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Love
There has been a lot of speculation as to what caused the incident, with some fans stating that he hit himself with the microphone stand; but the video included here will show that not only was it the necklace, but that the band is in prime form to deliver their upcoming tour dates as posted on the band’s schedule. Looking as young and vibrant as ever, Van Halen is showing fans exactly why they are recognized as a cornerstone in the rock music industry.
Visit the band’s official website at www.van-halen.com to see the 41 posted North American appearances currently scheduled, with a date ending this leg at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, CA.
See replays and learn more about Jimmy Kimmel by visiting: http://abc.go.com/shows/jimmy-kimmel-live.