by Justin Gaines
– Sr. Columnist —
That sound you hear is the wailing and gnashing of teeth, as legions of Circus Maximus fans digest the Norwegian band’s latest offering – Havoc – and realize the band they fell in love with a decade ago has moved on. The writing has been on the wall since 2012, when Nine showed the band moving away from being Dream Theater’s more melodic kid brother to a more straightforward and accessible melodic metal band. With Havoc, Circus Maximus shows that change was not a fluke, and in fact, they double down on that more melodic approach.
While the Prog fans are crying softly, let’s have another listen to Havoc. Not because we have to, and not because it needs to grow on you, but because the songs are so damned catchy and flow so well. The band has always had a strong melodic side, and that is dialed way up here. Added to that is a general atmosphere that’s just more accessible overall, and lyrics that are extraordinarily emotional. The combined effect is something that really resonates. The melodies stick in your head and the lyrics speak to the heart. Maybe it took a lesser emphasis on the progressive and heavier elements to make that effect work as well as it does.
There are nine tracks on the proper Havoc album, and while this is not a conceptual piece, they connect and flow very well, seeming more cohesive than any big name, multi-disc, high-concept release that shall remain nameless ever did. Even with the songs all working together so well, Havoc does have its standout tracks. “Highest Bitter,” is one of the heavier, more rocking songs, but it’s also completely catchy. The more mellow “Flames” is, in a word, gorgeous, and having “Remember” and “Chivalry” back-to-back closes the album on an emotionally wrenching note. The title track is the only real oddball, with its bouncy, almost nu-metal vibe, and even that is quite enjoyable.
As good as The 1st Chapter and Isolate were (and they are two immensely enjoyable progressive metal albums), they followed a path laid down by others. With Nine, and now Havoc, Circus Maximus has defined and refined their own unique sound. That sound may not be what some of their longtime fans had hoped to hear, but if you can set aside expectations you might find that Circus Maximus has created something very special with Havoc. And if their more accessible sound results in more people (perhaps from the Melodic Rock Scene) discovering the band, well, they band has certainly earned whatever attention comes their way.
Edition Notes: The deluxe edition of Havoc comes in a digipack and includes the bonus track “Loath” as well as a second disc with eight live recordings.
Genre: Progressive Metal, Melodic Metal
Michael Eriksen (v)
Mats Haughen (g) (v)
Truls Haughen (d) (v)
Glen Mollen (b)
Lasse Finbraten (k)
Track Listing:
1. The Weight
2. Highest Bitter
3. Havoc
4. Pages
5. Flames
6. Loved Ones
7. After the Fire
8. Remember
9. Chivalry
Label: Frontiers Records
Website: www.circusmaximussite.com
Hardrock Haven Rating: 9/10