In Concert: Wikkid Starr

by Anabel DFlux
— Sr. Photojournalist —

Hair Metal is alive and kicking on the Sunset Strip, as proven by Wikkid Starr during their performance at the world famous Whisky a Go Go in Hollywood! Made up of bandmates Toney Richards, Joe Rokker, Crash Cummings, and Amelia Gioiello, this wild and fun project has proven that they can make even the shyest of audience members stand up! Having taken over the South American market as well as the United States, Wikkid Starr has expanded their reach far and wide, showing that electrifying leather-infused hair metal is beloved by the world.

Frontman and mastermind behind the project, Toney Richards is an eccentric lead vocalist and a veteran of the local music scene in Hollywood, which dates back to 1987. No stranger to the stage, his presence on the raised platform magnetized and pulled the crowd up forward, no easy feat in this day and age. Crash Cummings rocked out on guitar, showing that his skill and talent matches is as defined as his fun aesthetic! Crash Cummings is originally from Northern Italy but has lived in Dublin, Ireland and London, England- where he was highly influenced by the British Rock Scene. Female bassist Amelia Gioiello knows how to play with the big boys. She is self-taught California native, having picked up the guitar at 15 years old. Last but certainly not least, drummer Joe Rokker kept the beat perfectly in time during this phenomenal evening set. As a drummer, Joe Rokker played in a variety of different bands with different musical styles, showcasing that musical expertise brilliantly.

A band you don’t want to miss if you’re looking for a good time, Wikkid Starr is here to rock your world!

Wikkid Starr Concert Photo Gallery

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