
Jim Jidhed of Alien

by Alexandra Mrozowska— Senior Columnist — Almost every artist loves talking about their growth and the importance of not being stuck in one place for the rest of their careers. It takes real courage, however, […]


Mark Kelly of Marillion & Marathon

by Alexandra Mrozowska— Senior Columnist — When a member of a renowned band decides to branch out and see about a side project, it’s more often than not an infamously dubbed ‘supergroup’ they find themselves […]


Erik Mårtensson

by Alexandra Mrozowska— Senior Columnist — Live albums have a special place in each band’s discography – more of a complementation than just an addition to a string of studio EPs and full-length albums. For […]


Jack The Ripper of Speed Stroke

by Alexandra Mrozowska— Senior Columnist — Is Rock music dead…? Does it “deserve to die”, to paraphrase The Darkness’ Justin Hawkins? And if it’s dead or dying, who’s to blame…? Is it streaming, filesharing, ruthless […]


James Thorley of Atlas

by Alexandra Mrozowska— Senior Columnist — They’re present on almost every Rock album and in almost every concert setlist, carefully crafted so as to bring almost every teenage listener to tears – and evoke nostalgia […]

Editors Choice

Reb Beach

by Alexandra Mrozowska— Senior Columnist — Once upon a time (but certainly not so long ago), it was perfectly acceptable and somewhat of a social norm to ridicule all the Rock music made in the […]