by Elsie Roymans
— Sr. Photojournalist —
Lokerse Feesten in Lokeren, Belgium on August 6, 2023.
LF2023: Metal Day
The first band to appear on stage on Sunday 6th was Stake, formerly known as Steak Number Eight. Instead of the four-piece Belgian band, a spokesman from the organisation entered an empty stage and announced that Stake was unable to perform due to the extreme weather conditions. Who would have thought that the Weather Gods could ever beat the Metal Gods? And all this because of a single drop of rain and a gentle breeze… More likely to believe is that the show didn’t start because 90% of the audience was yet to arrive. Stake was rescheduled in club STUBRU at 11.00pm. So sorry guys, no review: only mainstage bands today…
When Biohazard hits the stage, the festival area is packed with thousands metalheads. As one of the pioneer bands to combine hardcore punk, metal and hip hop back in the days, they still stand their ground and the audience seems to love what Brooklyn’s finest have in store for them today. The gig is energetic, aggressive and stuffed with golden oldies… Urban Discipline, What Makes Us Tick, Down For Life, Tales From The Hard Side, … You name it, they played it! One thing is certain; the crowd is officially warmed up.
Next up: Bullet For My Valentine. Bullet opens with a razor-sharp Knives and plays a tight and technically precise set. Typical crowd-pleasers were Your Betrayal, 4 Words, Don’t Need You and Scream Aim Fire.
And now the moment a lot of metalheads have been waiting for: Megadeth! As to be expected from one of the Big Four, Megadeth does not disappoint. On the contrary: opening with Hangar 18, old and young are impressed by the sound and vibe Megadeth still produces. The old he-witch does it again: Mustaine wins the crowd with his recognisable voice, spider-chords and flashing solo’s. With sixteen studio albums and only 75 minutes of stage time, they managed to put together a setlist designed for triumph. Wake Up Dead, In My Darkest Hour, Sweating Bullets, A Tout Le Monde, Symphony Of Destruction,… And the crowd knew and loved them all!
Next band on the bill: Within Temptation. The contrast with Mustaine’s voice couldn’t be any bigger than this! Seeing and hearing Within Temptation perform, is like experiencing a battle between good and evil going on right in front of your nose. The voice of an angel combined with heavy guitars and bright coloured lights seems to attract a lot of metalheads present at Lokerse. Even if you’re not a big fan of this combo, the theatrical aspect of the show will definitely hold your attention. For the enthusiasts of the genre: with songs like Our Solemn Hour, The Reckoning, Paradise, Raise Your Banner, Stand My Ground, … the band gave their fans an evening to remember.
We’ve talked about light and angels, now let’s talk about darkness and inner demons. When Amenra took the stage, all that was colourful and positive before was crushed within a second when the first notes reached the audience. Amenra is one of those bands that you don’t just listen to, it’s an experience for life. When Colin screams pain, you feel pain. When Colin screams anger, you feel anger… Songs like De Dodenakker, Razoreater, Ter Ziele/Am Kreuz and Diaken make you become acquainted with a darkness you never deemed possible… That alone is a gift!