Jasun Tipton of Cynthesis

by Derric Miller
Staff Writer

Cynthesis guitarist Jasun Tipton checked in with Hardrock Haven to discuss their brand new studio release DeEvolution; how three-quarters of Zero Hour ended up in a new band; the status of Zero Hour; specific songs like “Incision” and “Profits of Disaster;” the concept behind the entire album; upcoming tour plans; and a whole lot more.

The Tipton brothers are two of the most accomplished musicians you are going to have the pleasure of hearing in the Progressive Metal world, and the rest of the band isn’t too shabby. DeEvolution isn’t just a retake of Zero Hour — it’s one of the most promising bands you can possibly hear all year. Tune in now to catch up with Jasun, and pick up DeEvolution immediately thereafter.


::: Listen to the interview :::