by Anabel Dflux
– Photojournalist —
Currently based in Toronto, ON, Canada, The Rabid Whole (also known by the acronym TRW) is a band that plays a mixture of rock, industrial, electronica, and alternative music. Vocalist and guitarist Andreas Weiss talks with Hardrock Haven’s Anabel Dflux about the band, touring with Dope Stars, the bands influences and more …
HRH: Hi there! Thank you very much for answering my questions! How are you enjoying the tour with Dope Stars Inc. thus far?
ANDREAS: No Problem. So far it’s been awesome. These guys are great, work hard and aren’t afraid of anything … We’re all getting along great. It’s pretty surreal to be on tour with a kick ass band I was already a fan of. There’s a good chance we’ll be working together again soon …
HRH: I know The Rabid Whole has a very impressive resume of shows and festivals, which was your favorite to play and why?
ANDREAS: Thanks … hmm this one is really tough to say… I can’t pick one …
HRH: Most interesting tour experience?
ANDREAS: (Laughs) that’s really hard to say … a LOT can happen on tour! Probably on of our most recent show in LA … Jordie White (Marilyn Manson) was there same with The Enigma … it was a really cool night.
HRH: What is the story behind your band name?
ANDREAS: There was definitely a lot of trial and error … I tried all kinds of random ideas but nothing would stick. I also wanted something timeless. Bands like Skinny Puppy have a lot of cool, double meaning song titles, word play. I wanted people to see that there is more to us than meets the eye. I never felt we’d be a typical rock band… I want people to feel they can escape, that they’re entering another world, going down ‘the rabbit hole’ with our music. At the same time, I feel The Rabid Whole; ‘the fanatical entirety’… reflects the passion we put into all that we do.
HRH: What are your biggest inspirations for The Rabid Whole?
ANDREAS: I have huge respect for artists/bands that aren’t afraid of doing what they want to do musically regardless of the current trends and scene. Bands like NIN, KMFDM, Filter, Garbage, Bjork, Smashing Pumpkins, Depeche Mode, Aphex Twin, U-Ziq, and more have all had an influence on me and The Rabid Whole’s music. Amazing live performances are also really inspiring to me.
HRH: Your last album, Refuge (2012), was very impressive! What genre do you consider yourselves?
ANDREAS: Thank you so much, a lot of blood, sweat and tears went into it! We are 21st century, high energy, alternative rock. People have labelled us anything from electronic, rock, industrial, metal, etc but when it really comes down to it, we are an alternative rock band.
HRH: What is your favorite song and why?
ANDREAS: My personal fav from ‘Refuge’ is probably the title track … There was a lot going on in my life at the time I wrote it and the song lets it all out for me… I also had a lot of fun with the synths and drums on it.
HRH: Is there a new album in the works?
ANDREAS: Yes and no. There is new music in the works always but whether it will come out in the classic album format is most likely a no. The world has changed and we’re gonna have to keep up. Whether it’s gonna be EP’s or single song releases we still haven’t fully decided yet… but expect something in early 2014.
HRH: What should fans expect next from The Rabid Whole?
ANDREAS: Once our North American tour with Dope Stars Inc is complete we are jumping on tour with Kingdoom (Chris Vrenna ex NIN, Marilyn Manson) on a few Canadian dates in June, shooting a video for ‘Stargazer’ with director Peter Arvidsson, we’ve got more international tour plans in the fall, some new tunes in 2014… So be ready for it and tell the people!
Visit the band online: http://www.therabidwhole.com/
Saw The Rabid Whole in Dallas when they were on tour with dope stars inc and they fucking ROCKED!!! Definately going next time they are in town!!