by Deb Rao
– Senior Columnist —
Death Ray Vision is a new metallic hardcore metal band featuring Brian Fair of Shadows Fall and Mike D from Killswitch Engage. Death Ray Vision has just released a five-song EP entitled Get Lost Or Get Dead. In this exclusive interview for Hardrock Haven, singer Brian Fair discusses the making of Death Ray Vision.
HRH: Brian, I understand that you are getting ready to put Massachusetts back on the map with metal with your new band Death Ray Vision. Tell us how the new band came into fruition.
Brian: Death Ray Vision came about when Mike D had some hardcore style songs he was working on that were really different from material he wrote for Killswitch Engage so he decided to try and get a band together to record them. We had worked together for years growing up in Overcast so when he reached out to me and I heard the tunes I was immediately on board. We called up former Overcast guitarist Pete Cortese and he was down so we started looking around the local scene for musiciains to complete the band and were joined by Colin Conway (Frozen, ex-Cannae, ex- Year Of Our Lord) and Zach Wells (Razors In The Night) and we were off and running.
HRH: How would you describe the sound. Does it fall in the Shadows Falls vein?
Brian: The sound is really a combination of our early influences from the hardcore and thrash scene. We grew up listening to bands like Leeway, Cro-Mags, Integrity, Agnostic Front, Ringworm etc. and wanted to bring that style into the future. There is an old school vibe to the band but it doesnt sound like a retro act. There are definitely some twists and turns in there. I guess the only thing that resembles Shadows Fall is my voice at times and the thrashy side of some of the riffs. Shadows Fall is more on the melodic and guitar shred side of metal while Death Ray Vision is much more raw and angry.
HRH: Tell us about the writing process for Get Lost Get Dead. Your new five-song EP. Did everything fall right into place in the studio? Who produced the album?
Brian: The EP was recorded by Benny Grotto at Mad Oak Studios in Allston, Mass. The songwriting process for the EP was fairly simple. Mike had a bunch of instrumentals that I wrote vocals and lyrics to and the other guys put their spin on muscially and Pete brought a few songs to the table that I added lyrics and vocals to and boom, we had an EP. We recorded it very live and raw and avoided overproducing it. We wanted it lean and mean.
HRH: How did you come up with the name of the new EP?
Brian: That was Mike D’s idea. It’s just a great title. Anyone who knows us well will tell that we are the furthest thing from ‘tough guys” so there is a bit of irony. It fits in with the whole “fuck off” vibe of Death Ray Vision material. We are old bitter punk rock and hardcore kids unleashing a little fury.
HRH: When will the full length album be released?
Brian: The full length We Ain’t Leavin Until You’re Bleedin’ is coming out sometime in Sept. on Bullet Tooth. Its a swift 30-minute kick to the nuts. No fucking around and right to the point.
HRH: How is the metal scene in Massachusetts these days? I know Shadows Fall made a huge impact in the new wave of bands to emerge out of the region.
Brian: There are tons of killer metal bands from Mass. The bigger names like All That Remains, Killswitch Engage and Unearth are still holding it down while newer bands like Revocation, Acaro, Motherboar and more are keeping it fresh.
HRH: I am originally from Boston and have seen you perform with Shadows Fall many times. What is the status of Shadows Fall these days?
Brian: Shadows Fall is taking a little break from the road for the summer. I am having my first kid in June and don’t want to miss out on anything so I can’t tour until the fall at the earliest. We plan on working on new material during the summer so maybe try and hit the studio early 2014. We shall see how it all plays out.
HRH: Will Death Ray Vision be hitting the road soon in support of the new EP?
Brian: I don’t think we will be touring for the the EP but we hope to tour in the Sept when the LP comes out. Mike D is busy with Killswitch Engage tour and I will be on diaper duty soon so we are stuck at home.
HRH: In closing our hearts go out to all the victims in the Boston bombing tragedy. How is the city coping with the tragedy?
Brian: Boston is one of the toughest cities on earth so people are dealing with it and living their lives in defiance of those that think senseless acts of violence can keep us down. Much love to all of those affected by the tragedy.
HRH: Brian, Good Luck with your new project. It is good to hear Massachusetts is rocking again with your new band.
Official Facebook: www.facebook.com/deathrayvision