by Anabel Dflux
– Senior Photojournalist —
Anabel Dflux had the opportunity to talk to DARKC3LL’s very own Jesse Dracman, an Australian metal band that has caused quite the buzz. Anabel talked to Jesse about the new album Dark Verses, due to be released on September 2th, as well as the band’s history and recent concerts.
HRH: Hello! Thank you very much for answering my questions today! I hear a new album is about to hit shelves on the 27th. What reactions do you expect from the release of Dark Verses?
JD: Hi Anabel. Thanks so much for getting in touch. Only too happy to chat. We’re extremely excited about the album release and to be honest I have no major expectations, only for people to listen and enjoy what we have created.
HRH: I took a listen to the album recently, fantastic job! What motivated this album?
JD: Thank you very much. Personal experiences and living in a morally challenged and heavily opinionated society can certainly contribute, as well as the underlying decay of hypocrisy that reigns in the upper echelons preaching falsely and painting illusions of a better way of living (by whose standards?)…
HRH: Why go in the musical direction that you did? Why this particular genre of metal?
JD: Because it’s what we love. Most of our influences utilize big heavy sounds, and we live for blowing people’s minds with something exciting and memorable. We have always strive to write the kind of songs that scream with hooks and all the ingredients we enjoy. I hate boring music! I want to move and groove, and that’s what our fans dig!
HRH: Your stage presence is heavy and powerful, what performers do you draw the most inspiration from?
JD: Aw shucks. I blame the music. It gets into my soul and sets my body on fire like a James Brown concert. We play out our own style and vibe onstage, which for the most part is unpredictable and intense. For me, the influences range from Rob Zombie to Elvis Presley. Once the music starts, game on!
HRH: How did the whole band meet?
JD: Post Mortem Matt and myself have been writing together for quite a while. We met Rit Derelict at a concert and clicked, knowing he’d bring it. Jay Macabre is our awesome new addition who feels like he’s been here all along. I feel like I’m living a dream playing in a band with these guys. Coolest dudes and badass onstage. Dreams come true folks!
HRH: There seemed to be a wee bit of an altercation in Melbourne- a venue promoter took offense to the inverted cross on your album cover. What are your thoughts on a metal venue chastising iconic rock symbols?
JD: It was a classic case of a terrible misunderstanding and gross misinterpretation from a very hypocritical individual who is clearly working in the wrong industry. We thought it was hilarious and felt like we were dealing with a true idiot. It felt like 18th century politics. Live and learn I guess.
HRH: How do you feel the fans differ from country to country?
JD: We are so lucky to have such an awesome fan base that show so much enthusiasm and give us strength and energy. I love it. Getting to chat to fans from USA, Mexico, UK, Russia, Japan and right here in Australia. It’s a warm and fuzzy feeling.
HRH: And on that note, best tour memory?
JD: Doing a national tour with Wednesday 13. Getting to play with one of our all time favorites and hanging with such a great group of ghouls. It was an honor to watch a band of their caliber give us a lesson in awesomeness, and their dedication to their fans was inspirational. One for the highlight reel.
HRH: What’s next for DARKC3LL?
JD: Our first national tour for Dark Verses and seeing how far we can #spreadthedarkn3ss”
Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DARKC3LLOFFICIAL