by Steve Patrick
– Senior Columnist —
Aerosmith’s Joe Perry is the quintessential guitar hero. For millions across the globe, his riffs are the soundtrack of their lives. In the canon of classic rock songwriting, the (Steven) Tyler/Perry pair up is second only to Lennon/McCartney. You would think that constantly hearing statements like these would give Perry a huge ego, but, after chatting with him for a while about his new autobiography, it became clear that nothing could be further from the truth.
While promoting his new book Rocks: My Life In and Out of Aerosmith, Perry took a moment to speak with Hardrock Haven about how and when he first got the idea to put his life down on paper. In the interview, Perry asserts that he already has some solo material completed for a future release of some kind. Also Perry also spoke at great lengths about his love of Peter Green’s Fleetwood Mac, chatting with his guitar idols Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page, getting to spend some quality time with Johnny Winter before passed away earlier this year, and why he hates the idea of “pure blues.”
For more information, visit: joeperry.com
To read the transcript of the interview click the link below: