by Alexandra Mrozowska
– Senior Columnist —
An average melodic rock/AOR fan doesn’t need to be specifically introduced to NIVA. The Swedish act has created quite a buzz among the aficionados of the genre with their first album Magnitude just a year ago – but, as it turns out, the band’s mastermind Tony Niva does not intend to rest on his laurels and his band’s sophomore effort entitled Incremental IV hits the stores this September. In his interview for Hardrock Haven, the experienced and venturesome NIVA frontman talks the newest release in detail, with a few comments on his musical past and more general issues as well.
Hardrock Haven: New NIVA album Incremental IV is to be released this month via AOR Heaven. Are you happy with way the album turned out, both in the artistic aspects and with the mix and mastering of the material?
Tony Niva: Yes, it turned out very well as I had hoped for. I was aiming this time to steer the production towards a more AOR’ish approach since the songs this time required this. We’ve been able to work undisturbed with the production and it has gone very smoothly as always. I’m very pleased with the outcome.
Hardrock Haven: Music-wise, Incremental IV is similar to NIVA’s first album Magnitude. Do you see it as a kind of continuation of, a logical sequel to the preceding album? Any highlights?
Tony Niva: In my opinion the previous album Magnitude felt more of a Melodic Rock album whilst Incremental IV is pointing towards the AOR genre more than ever before. Whether Incremental IV is a logical sequel, musically or not I let others to decide. Since we’ve all been involved in the songwriting process it feels like each and every song has developed to something greater than it was during the demo stadium. This is all a result of that we know each other and that we have the same thoughts and values about what concerns us lyrically, musically and also having the same perspective musically.
Hardrock Haven: Incremental IV is ‘80s-infused melodic rock that at times sounds as if it had been conceived thirty years earlier. Was there any temptation to experiment with the sound in the studio or to include some modern effects on the album?
Tony Niva: It just felt natural to make the production and these songs the way we’ve done this time. We’ve discussed this and agreed to simply make this album in a way that we’re good at without thinking about of rather having the production towards 80s, 90s or more in a modern way of approach. We’re just doing it in a NIVA type of way. For this album we’ve also tried to make it simple with the “less is more” in mind, since these songs really don’t need a massive wall of different sounds. Although there are very complex arrangements if your analyzing the chord progression behind.
Hardrock Haven: What’s the meaning behind the album’s pretty compelling title?
Tony Niva: If you think about it, the first album was called No Capitulation (1995), the second one Gold From The Future (2011) and the third one entitled Magnitude (2013) which makes the new release Incremental IV (2014) the fourth full-length NIVA album, so there is a logical explanation about the title. The guy on the front cover artwork is kind of doing his mathematics and all of a sudden realizes that the answer for this equation is four.
Hardrock Haven: “Crush” was chosen to be the first single that promotes the new album. What was the reason for such a choice?
Tony Niva: I wanted an up-tempo song for the single and a mid-tempo song for the music video which now also has been realized. I decided to use “Crush” for a single which is an up-tempo song, it has a wonderful lyrical theme that is playing around with the listeners emotions and has a perfect chorus suited for the live stage.
Hardrock Haven: Also the music video that illustrates “Crush” is in the pipeline. Can you reveal anything about it?
Tony Niva: I never made that music video for “Crush,” instead I decided to make the video for the mid-tempo love song called “Only You” which now is available for streaming. I believe that everyone can relate to this song in one way or the other and besides that it’s a great love song. I also wanted to have the single and video to be two different songs from the album to show the variance of the songs, “Crush” a rocker and “Only You” a mid-tempo love song.
Hardrock Haven: Upsides and downsides of love seem to be a topic you’re eager to exploit lyric-wise. Where do you get your inspirations from – books, movies, or maybe real life?
Tony Niva: They are mostly taken from real life. We usually pick our inspiration from real life and sometimes also from the fictional world, that to some extent has happened in reality. As I see it love and relations makes the world go around, it’s as simple as that.
Hardrock Haven: What are the other topics you find particularly inspiring in terms of songwriting?
Tony Niva: Songs usually come to by writing about events that have touched us in one way or another. Most often, I feel it is the true story, which emotionally is having me in its grip that is growing and developed in to a great composition.
Hardrock Haven: Two tracks “In The Ray Of Light” and “Leading Me On Again” have been released only on Japanese versions of the album. What can you reveal about the tracks to the fans outside Japan who haven’t heard them? Why did they end up as bonus tracks only?
Tony Niva: They are two very good songs and it always tends to be difficult to choose which song to use as a bonus track. First bonus song is about a guy who is daydreaming and his highest wish is to marry the woman he loves. Second bonus song is all about the great times we had in the ‘80s and ‘90s that had its positive and negative sides. Maybe it was because of these times that we now are able of writing these great songs. We really had a great time back then and maybe we saved our songs for these couple of albums that now has been released. It really took its time though.
Hardrock Haven: Is there any concept or meaning behind the artwork of Incremental IV?
Tony Niva: On the album cover is a little guy who makes his mathematics. Incremental IV is thus NIVA’s fourth edition and the cover suggests that this is a continuous stepwise enumeration. There is also much more material left to write new songs, new releases and new opportunities ahead to dream about.
Hardrock Haven: You’ve gained your experience as a musician throughout many years of performing in different bands, from Zanity to Swedish Erotica or Axia. Do you see yourself evolving artistically and are you happy with the music path you’re treading now?
Tony Niva: Basically I’ve decided to compose songs that for a certain period of time feels right to do regardless of what is in or what is not. I see myself evolving from the metal genre which includes Zanity from the late 80s and Lion’s Share, 2001 among others and now I’ve moved ahead to AOR and Melodic Rock. It pretty much feels like going back to the times when I was listening to UK based solo artists like Cliff Richard, Engelbert Humperdinck and Tom Jones among other, way back in the 70s and 80s. These great guys really have inspired me to continue within the vocal department and today I’m really grateful of having the music as a way of living and to have the opportunity of express my emotions trough NIVA.
Hardrock Haven: Your collaboration with Roger Ljunggren (guitars in NIVA) and Marcus Persson (the producer of Incremental IV) goes back to the failed Eurovision contest in 2011. As you keep on joining forces again and again, what do you think is the secret of such a successful and fruitful collaboration?
Tony Niva: The fact that we’re three songwriters that is marked by the same type of music since early age makes it easier to compose these great songs that we’re writing today. We’re always coming to a consensus of what to keep and what to through away before coming to the recording sessions. We simply respect each others artistic talent and musical experience and that is why we don’t end up having endless discussions about the production which can be pretty frustrating and time consuming.
Hardrock Haven: Eurovision is a phenomenon that Hardrock Haven’s US-based staff and readers may be unfamiliar with, differently from us Europeans. What do you think about this contest and its importance – or the lack of it?
Tony Niva: Everyone knows how to progress with it without getting in conflict. For us, it was more that we wanted to get started and to submit a song for the Eurovision Song Contest, which could’ve meant a continued cooperation between us. We decided then to choose another way having an important contact abroad to which we delivered a demo package resulted in a signed contract 2011 when the first song was rejected by the Eurovision Song Contest. It would’ve been a great opportunity to be performing in the Eurovision Song Contest in front of a huge audience, but then again I’m very proud of what I have right now, having the opportunity of writing a new page for the history of NIVA.
Hardrock Haven: Talking about European heritage, there’s been always a strong following and representation of Scandinavia in the AOR/Melodic Rock scene. What do you think may be a reason for every other Melodic Rock band coming from your homeland Sweden?
Tony Niva: Historically there have been a lot of great acts who has making their way for all the others and then I’m referring to artists like Björn Skifs, ABBA, Europe and Roxette among others. They’ve had a great impact and influenced several generations and are important for the Swedish musical heritage.
Hardrock Haven: What do you think about the current Swedish rock scene? Are there any acts you find particularly promising or worth of recommendation?
Tony Niva: There are some great Swedish acts that have been released their albums this year such as Alien, 220 Volt, Miss Behavior and Grand Design through the label AOR Heaven which also is our label. You have to check them out.
Hardrock Haven: What are NIVA’s current plans for promoting the album? Any upcoming concerts or festival dates?
Tony Niva: The plan was to promote the album with a single and a music video which I’ve already executed. Next thing is to make some plans for the live performances during summer of 2015. Nothing is set yet though.
Hardrock Haven: Thank you for the interview! Any last words?
Tony Niva: I would like to thank everyone out there for giving their support to the NIVA music and for helping us reaching out with our music. A very huge thank you also to the readers of Hardrock Heaven and for the great reviews that we’ve been blessed with. All the best to you from NIVA!