by Derric Miller
– Managing Editor —
Before you hear note one on Zero Down’s new release, No Limit to the Evil, you know you are in for a freakin’ Metal joy ride … and that’s just based on the artwork! As on two of their prior three studio albums, the insane Preacher Man (or a version of) is featured on the cover, holding snakes and standing in an almost barren cornfield in front of a crucifix while the church and land burns to destruction behind him. And that grin on his face is enough to scare Dick Cheney … maybe. Really, there’s no limit to the Metal with Zero Down, and here they prove it once again …
Zero Down loves riffs. Chunky, fat, blazing riffs that snap your head back and forth without your own volition. The new album starts off with serious riffing and some majestic leads on “Return of the Godz.” First there’s riffs, and then there’s screams, as lead singer Hawk wails in a manic falsetto just to set the tone. When the gents are all shouting along to the refrain, “There’s something in the sky … we’re all gonna die!” it’s one of those fistful of metal moments. This is how all albums should start.
You get a pumping rhythm from bassist Ron Banner and drummer Chris Gohde on the title track next. If Judas Priest decided to inject a song with human growth hormone, it’d sound something like “No Limit to the Evil.” Hawk sings with a sinister sneer on the higher notes and then just shouts out the chorus. Zero Down plays everything with a fevered masculinity, and the only deft touch on this song comes on the brief solos and leads from guitarists Lenny Burnett and Matt Fox, who as a team, rip.
You are going to feel a ‘70s vibe on the opening riffs to “Cold Winter’s Night,” a song that needs to be in some damn horror film yesterday, if not sooner. “I know what you did on that cold winter’s night!” damns Hawk during the chorus. The story here is someone shooting his “baby’s mama down” in various scenarios, which to be honest … doesn’t taste like Metal. But it’s still fun as hell, as is everything Zero Down creates. And check the solo; guitar enthusiasts will froth at the maw over this track.
While most of the songs are straight ahead, somewhat NWOBHM-influenced Metal compositions, when you get to “Suicide Girl” you are ready for something else … and boy do you get it! The songwriter Burnett admitted to Hardrock Haven he was going for a bit of an ‘80s Scorpions vibe on that song, and sonically, you get exactly that. Vocally, though, Hawk only sings with his power turned on its highest level, so you get almost a punk-hued ‘80s Hair Metal song. Is that a thing? It is now … and it’s the best song on the release.
Why wouldn’t Zero Down write a song about the actor Steve McQueen? Known for his cool irreverent action roles, in movies like The Towering Inferno and The Getaway, the dude certainly deserves an ode. “Steve McQueen” is that ode, a pumping and pummeling bruiser. And the lyrics are adventurous as hell too, especially the phrase “Blood … soaked in bourbon!” It kicks all kinds of ass. Twice.
The blazing “Two Ton Hammer” is next, which may have the biggest sing-along chorus on the release. That whole “You gotta know, you gotta know, you gotta know right now!” is catchier than Ebola at a cannibal café.
Did you expect a ballad to close things out? Well don’t, because “Black Rhino” is the end of the trip and it’s more searing, galloping Metal. Hawk sings REALLY angry here, as close to Thrash vocals as you’ve ever heard him. “Black Rhino” is really the fusion of NWOBHM and Thrash, because once you get to the solo, things tamper down slightly and go with first a Classic Metal solo before ripping into a more shredding solo. The crescendo at the end will boil your blood, especially if there’s bourbon in it.
Over the years, Zero Down has honed the exact sound they are going for. They are Metal, but they don’t really sound like any other band making music today. And if you’ve had the luck to see them live, they can do everything live that you hear from their studio work. No Limit to the Evil is just another wicked notch in the metallic belt of this underrated, Seattle-based band. Take that horrific Preacher Man’s word for it.
Genre: Heavy Metal
Lenny Burnett – Lead & Rhythm Guitars, Vocals
Matt Fox – Lead & Rhythm Guitars, Vocals
Ron E. Banner – Bass, Vocals
Chris Gohde – Drums
Mark “Hawk” Hawkinson – Lead Vocals & Screams
Track Listing:
1 Return of the Godz
2 No Limit to the Evil
3 Devil’s Thorn
4 Cold Winters Night
5 Leche di Tigre
6 Phantom Host
7 Suicide Girl
8 Steve McQueen
9 Two Ton Hammer
10 Black Rhino
Label: Minotauro Records
Online: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Zero-Down-Fan-Page/262964899318
Hardrock Haven rating: 8/10