by Justin Gaines
– Sr. Columnist —
America has a very vibrant underground Metal scene. Regardless of your preferred genre, you’re likely to find some extremely talented bands making great music. In the Power Metal scene, one of the most impressive young bands is Judicator, which was formed by multi-instrumentalist Tony Cordisco (ex-Project: RoenWolfe) and vocalist John Yelland (Disforia). Their new album (their third overall) is called At the Expense of Humanity and it’s probably the best Power Metal album released this year.
Judicator has always had a strong Blind Guardian influence to their sound, and this is no exception. And just as Blind Guardian took a major step forward with their third album, so Judicator does with At the Expense of Humanity. It’s one of those albums where everything – the songwriting, production, musicianship and vocals – all just come together perfectly. Tony Cordisco balances thrashing riffs and powerful melodies perfectly, and Tyler Sherrill brings in just enough keys to give the album that epic atmosphere without making it sound all twinkly. And then there are the vocals. John Yelland sounds more Hansi than Hansi these days, and once the backing vocals kick in the result is jaw-dropping. The occasional harsh and female vocals add even more strength to the album.
While At the Expense of Humanity is very reminiscent of Blind Guardian in their prime (after the Speed Metal but before the epic orchestration), Judicator has their own energy and their own identity. Anyone who hears songs like “God’s Failures,” “Nemesis/Fratricide” and the powerful title track will agree that this is the new standard in American Power Metal.
At the Expense of Humanity is what you’d have to call a “quantum leap.” Judicator’s first two albums are good, but this is an album Century Media and Nuclear Blast should be kicking themselves for not releasing. Again, this is arguably the best Power Metal album 2015 has to offer, and one that will absolutely floor Blind Guardian fans who were less than thrilled by Beyond the Red Mirror. Beyond that, just about any fan of bands like Iron Savior, Grave Digger, Orden Ogan and Jag Panzer should love what Judicator is all about.
Genre: Power Metal, Heavy Metal
John Yelland (v)
Tony Cordisco (g) (b)
Jordan Elcess (d)
Tyler Sherill (k)
Track Listing:
1. A Picture of Fading Light
2. God’s Failures
3. Cannibalistic Mind
4. Coping Mechanism
5. My Fantasy Destroyed
6. Lucid Nightmare
7. The Rain in the Meadow
8. Nemesis/Fratricide
9. Autophagia
10. Life Support
11. At the Expense of Humanity
12. How Long Can You Live Forever
13. Enantiodromia
Label: Divebomb Records
Website: www.facebook.com/judicatormetal
Hardrock Haven Rating: 9/10
Agreed completely. It’s a truly phenomenal album through and through.
<3 this album