by Franco Cerchiari
– Columnist —
Pasadena, California’s Holy Grail continue their brand of Heavy Metal on their third release, Times of Pride and Peril released on the Prosthetic Records label, their follow up to 2013’s Ride the Void. Fans of Savage Messiah, Charred Walls of the Damned, Pharaoh, and White Wizzard are going to want to hear this one, for riffing, razor sharp guitars, forceful vocals, and hell bent drumming are all over Holy Grail’s latest.
Metal can take on many forms, but here the music is clear-cut, Heavy, Classic, and uncomplicated, but at the same time, it must be said, this is really pretty damn good. The drums of Tyler Meahl (also the drummer for Huntress) are excellent; the guitar work is something to take note of, and the vocals are powerful, commanding, soaring, and good God, does vocalist James Paul Luna have a range. On many occasions, he sings his lungs out, and projects his voice into the upper octaves with an ease that is something to behold. The sound is clear, the mixing well done, and throughout the CD the listener’s interest is kept high with one song after another offering a blistering metal attack. A tad empty perhaps on the bottom end as it seemed the bass guitar was lost a time or two in the mix, but nothing that takes away from enjoying what is solid heavy metal. But having said that when Blake Mount’s bass guitar work is heard (especially on “Waste Them All Away”) it is truly impressive. The songs are instantly likeable, sinfully infectious, and it’s refreshing that while hearing a collection of songs it is tangible that the band loves creating – and playing music.
The twin guitar attack was great on so many occasions; the give and take between the two guitars is what gave Times of Pride and Peril the intense, and passionate guitar sound it had. Listen to the somber intro of the opening track “Crystal King,” which quickly explodes into an all out metal punch to the face, the true immensity of “Those Who Will Remain,” the drums of “Waste Them All Away,” the melodic “Descent Into the Maelstrom,” the epic fury of the CD highlight, “Sudden Death,” the rallying sounds of “Pro Patria Mori,” the swagger of “No More Heroes,” and closing this CD is the excellent, almost 10 minute “Black Lotus.”
By way of comparison to Holy Grail’s Ride the Void, which had a more Melodic Power Metal feel, namely on that CD’s “Bestial Triumphans (complete with its vocal screams,) the melodic guitars of “To Decayed To Wait,” and the song that takes the term riffing guitars to a whole new level is Ride the Void’s highlight, “Silent Screams,” Times of Pride and Peril carries through with the band’s devotion to the melodic, but make no mistake these songs fall under the genre of heavy metal, and fans of Heavy Metal will love this.
Of course, useless American radio will ignore Holy Grail just as they have with so many other band’s music, but put radio aside for they will never change, and pick this one up, for it has got to be said again, this was pretty damn good.
Genre: Heavy Metal
James Paul Luna – vocals
Eli Santana – guitar
Alex Lee – guitar
Tyler Meahl – drums
Blake Mount – bass
Track Listing:
Crystal King
Waste Them All Away
Sudden Death
Those Who Will Remain
Descent Into the Maelstrom
No More Heroes
Pro Patria Mori
Black Lotus
Label: Prosthetic Records
Website: www.holygrail.bandcamp.com
HRH Rating: 8.8/10