by Alexandra Mrozowska
– Sr. Columnist —
Reece-Percudani Group might be a newly founded group, but the names this new moniker is comprised of should ring a bell. Well, at least if you’re a Melodic Rock fan! The masterminds behind it are no one else but David Reece – who’s just parted ways with the German band Bonfire – and Mario Percudani of HungryHeart. Hardrock Haven caught up with David to discuss the story behind the new ensemble and whatever the future holds in store for them.
Hardrock Haven: Although we’re going to discuss mainly your new project co-formed with HungryHeart’s Mario Percudani, it’s hard not to ask about your recent departure from Bonfire. What were the circumstances of leaving the group?
David Reece: Due to my management, Giles Lavery and I have decided to take a little more time before I talk about the actual facts about my departure from Bonfire. I promise to tell this story very soon!
Hardrock Haven: What were the circumstances of teaming up with Mario Percudani, Stefano “Skool” Scola and Alessandro Mori?
David Reece: I met Mario through some friends in Chicago a few years back and after seeing him play I was blown away by his guitar playing and singing. We met again last year in Italy. We started throwing ideas around and realized we share the same passions and influences musically. Of course when we decided to form R.P.G. His natural choice was to add Stefano and Ale and he was so right on because they both are amazing players and beautiful human beings.
Hardrock Haven: What are your expectations as far as Reece-Percudani Group (abbreviated R.P.G.) is concerned? Do you expect this ensemble to be a one-off project, or to last longer than that perhaps…?
David Reece: R.P.G. is a real group firstly! Of course, we’re all playing in other projects and groups but our time together is real. I see us doing much together because we enjoy each other’s talent and company.
Hardrock Haven: What do you think each of the musicians brings into the band?
David Reece: Mario Percudani is a guitarists’ guitarist! He’s influenced by the real legends compared to most guitar players. He’s also a first-rate songwriter and producer! He’s the first producer in a long time who’s actually producing me vocally because he understands my voice and abilities and limits. Stefano, as a bassist, has real feel – it’s from his heart and he contributes musically where it’s needed. He’s also hungry and loves to tour and play – I really enjoy working with him! Alessandro is… just let me be frank… a drummer with feel! I’ve played with a lot of drummers who couldn’t even imagine playing without a click. Ale has groove emotion and energy. He’s also fucking hilarious and keeps us laughing constantly!
Hardrock Haven: Was Reece-Percudani Group formed with studio recording in mind, or have you initially planned to limit your activity only to concerts?
David Reece: Both I guess? First, you have to see if there’s a spark then an ability to create, work, spend time together and most of all respect one another. So in answering this I for one feel all of the above and am truly excited to share our music to the people!
Hardrock Haven: As R.P.G. album is already in the making, how is the working process going?
David Reece: It’s going well, firstly we’re taking our time and letting each song grow organically. I really don’t like writing by files it’s far more real writing together.
Hardrock Haven: As early as it is, are you already able to take us through the highlights of the new material? Are there any songs you find particularly important to the album’s content, or to you at this particular point in your career?
David Reece: There’s a ballad called “I Know It’s Love” that’s got me inside and out. There’s also many hard rocking tracks that speak volumes to me. As your readers know, lyrically I try and write stories as opposed to “baby baby” stuff, so this record is who we are.
Hardrock Haven: A preview demo for the album made available on the Internet reveals a thing or two about R.P.G.’s new material, but not too much. What can we expect from this band genre-wise?
David Reece: I am a Blues singer firstly, I am not a Metal singer or Pop singer – I am what I am! That said, we’ve woven our influences from past and present into our style and it’s really starting to become more than your typical cookie cutter Rock.
Hardrock Haven: Guessing by the live footage available on YouTube, R.P.G., it seems to be definitely more Bluesy and rootsy than your previous projects indeed. Is it so? Do you try to expand stylistically, as an artist, with this particular band?
David Reece: Like I said earlier about my style it seems I am at my best when I am myself and playing live with these guys just brings that out! I love how we can groove, drop down, pick up and speak to the crowds live!
Hardrock Haven: Have you already included some new R.P.G. songs in the recent concert setlists? What was the feedback?
David Reece: Yes we have and it’s been great! One thing we can do is play these tunes acoustic or electric, firstly because we wrote them on acoustic – so, either way, people have been beautiful in their response.
Hardrock Haven: Are you satisfied with the general feedback R.P.G. receives from the audience?
David Reece: No complaints! I only want to perform at the top of my game because when I do, they do!
Hardrock Haven: Speaking of your fanbase, R.P.G.. seems to have gathered quite a following in the Czech Republic. This country may be not recognized by our readers as a European Mecca for Melodic Rock fans – what are your impressions from having played there quite a few times with R.P.G. as well as Bonfire and EZ Livin’?
David Reece: Czech people are special! They are so enthusiastic! I love playing there! We do a lot of shows with our friends Black Tiger and it’s always great!
Hardrock Haven: You’ve already played a number of dates across Europe and are set to play in the UK as well as Italy in the fall. As Hardrock Haven’s US-based, is R.P.G.. going to expand their territory and conquer your homeland soon?
David Reece: Time will tell… I am however joining Mario onstage at Rocknskull in 2017 for a Bangalore Choir reunion.
Hardrock Haven: What else are you up to at the moment? Is there any other project or band in the pipeline – or are you devoting all your time and energy to R.P.G.. now?
David Reece: Actually I’m writing a new album with a former bandmate (to be announced) and also, writing a new solo record with the great Andy Susemihl!
Hardrock Haven: Is there anything you’d like to add in the end?
David Reece: As I said, in the beginning, I’ll share the Bonfire story soon – there’s much to tell and I just need a little while to soak it all in because there’s of course some outside factors I must consider… I do want to promise all my friends around the world that I never take their love and support for granted and will give my best to deliver everything that’s expected of me.
Visit Reece-Percudani Group online: https://www.facebook.com/reecepercudanigroup/