by Christophe Pauly
– Sr. Photojournalist —
Eric Gillette, guitarist with the Neal Morse Band, talks about his 2nd solo album The Great Unknown.
Hardrock Haven: So your new album is called The Great Unknown. Why did you choose that title?
Eric Gillette: The title song of the album is “The Great Unknown” and I also thought it was a good title for the album.
Hardrock Haven: What was your purpose when you began composing songs for the album?
Eric Gillette: I knew I wanted to do another solo album, so I just began writing and the epic “Escape” started coming to life. I let the music go where it wanted to go. I didn’t sit down to write an 18 minute song, but that is what came out. The other songs came after that and the album started to take shape.
Hardrock Haven: Are those songs all new ones or did you begin to work on them a long time ago?
Eric Gillette: All of the songs are new and written specifically for this album.
Hardrock Haven: You choose to collaborate with other musicians this time. So could you tell us about the guys who play with you on the album?
Eric Gillette: Thomas Lang is on drums, Conner Green is on bass and Diego Tejeida is on keys. These guys are ridiculously good and their performances on this album blow me away. I can not wait for everyone to hear it and I am really looking forward to playing this music live with these guys.
Hardrock Haven: How did their playing affected the way you composed the songs or your playing?
Eric Gillette: Well, all the music was composed and demoed before they played on it, so it didn’t affect the writing of the album. What they played definitely gives the songs a new vibe! I love hearing incredible players interpret songs I wrote. It is really cool because they might approach something completely different than I would have if I played it, and it ends up being so much better than it could have been.
Hardrock Haven: Your lyrics are really touching, especially the song “Empty.” Do you the words come from personal experiences?
Eric Gillette: Thank you. I wasn’t speaking from experience for the song “Empty,” but I like to try to write songs in a way that someone
could relate to. If the song speaks to only one person then I would be happy.
Hardrock Haven: Do you try to find lyrical topics the listener can relate to?
Eric Gillette: I never really pick a topic and then write about it specifically. Usually the music comes first, along with a melody and possibly a couple of lyric ideas. Then it comes to life and hopefully all makes sense in the end.
Hardrock Haven: Where are you at now with the recording and the production?
Eric Gillette: I am currently finishing tracking vocals and then I am mixing the album. I am excited to have Rich Mouser mastering the album as well!
Hardrock Haven: Is it produced by you too?
Eric Gillette: Yes. It is produced by myself and Chris Thompson.
Hardrock Haven: I saw you were currently recording with The Neal Morse Band.
Eric Gillette: Yes! I am currently in Nashville with The Neal Morse Band. We are coming up with some really great stuff. It’s going to be a big year with 2 releases that I can’t wait to get out.
Hardrock Haven: So are you planing to do some dates after your album release?
Eric Gillette: Absolutely! That is the goal. If we can line up shows and schedules, we will be there. I am excited to play this music live with this lineup!
Hardrock Haven: Your playing is quite impressive and I was more than surprised when I first saw you with Neal. Who are your influences?
Eric Gillette: Some of my influences are Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson and John Petrucci to name a few.
Hardrock Haven: How do you compose your songs? Do you work first on a melody?
Eric Gillette: I don’t really have a set way. Sometimes it starts with a chorus melody, or sometimes just a riff. For me, it’s all about working the initial idea and seeing where it takes me.
Hardrock Haven: Did you seek advice from your peers before beginning this solo career?
Eric Gillette: Not really. I just went for it and hopefully some people out there enjoy my music.
Hardrock Haven: How were the recording sessions on this album compared to the previous one? Did it take more time?
Eric Gillette: This album has taken more time than the last one for sure, but it is going to be worth it in the end. I am really happy with how this album is turning out.
Hardrock Haven: Who is doing the artwork on this album?
Eric Gillette: The artwork was done by Tim Todd and it turned out really great!
Visit Eric Gillette online: http://www.ericgillettemusic.com/