by Derric Miller
– Managing Editor —
Jack Russell checked in with Hardrock Haven to talk about the band’s brand new release He Saw It Comin’; the specific meaning behind songs like the title composition, “Spy vs. Spy,” “Anything for You,” “Godspeed,” and several others; how the band’s chemistry impacts songwriting, recording and the live shows; and a whole lot more.
Tune in now to hear one of the legendary voices of Hard Rock and if you haven’t bought the new album yet, there’s no time like the present…
Jack Russell’s Great White – “Sign of The Times” —
Connect with Jack Russell’s Great White here:
“He Saw it Comin'” can be ordered here: http://radi.al/HeSawItCominand via the links below. Pre-orders come with instant downloads of the tracks “Blame it on the Night”, “She Moves Me”, “Love Don’t Live Here” and “Sign of the Times”
Amazon: http://radi.al/HeSawItCominAmazon
iTunes: http://radi.al/HeSawItCominiTunes
Google Play: http://radi.al/HeSawItCominGoogle
Spotify: http://radi.al/HeSawItCominSpotify