by Franco Cerchiari
– Sr. Columnist —
For fans of Power Quest, Persuader, Domine, Steel Attack, Iron Savior or Cryonic Temple, Cellador’s music needs to be a must have. Heavy as hell, melodic, fierce, fast, layered, soaring and relentless from Omaha, Neb. is Cellador’s latest, its 4th, Off The Grid, released under the Scarlet Records label. Power Metal with touches of Thrash and Speed; this is one incredible anthology of music.
Each song is jammed pack with music, never allowing one to catch their breath. Some songs so heavy, so strong, so full, so skull crushing (“Shadowfold,” “Wake Up The Tyrant,”) it is almost overwhelming, and unavoidable. For the unfamiliar with Cellador and their approach to Heavy Metal it must be said, “brace yourself, pumpkin, for this is going to kick your ass all over the place.” The guitars are just insane. But what’s interesting is while listening to this ear and mind splintering gathering of songs, just when one thinks it’s a bit convoluted with so much going on from the opening bars, with so much guitar and rhythm, in time each song comes into its own, and smoothes itself out. The sound, feel, vibe, and music that is Melodic Power Metal comes through in great fashion. The music is unassuming and completely approachable, meaning it is what it is.
With no apologies, the boys of Cellador offer their music, and with nothing more than true talent, and a tangible love for playing, this CD keeps the interest high, as there is always something to hear – and appreciate. The harmonic vocals are outstanding. The drums are so fast; it is a wonder how one man can bang on his kit with that much fury and speed. Time and again the choruses soar, taking the listener with it, and then come back downward as the next verse begins. Mixing the towering styling of Fabio Lione (Rhapsody of Fire, Agra, Kamelot,) and the power of Olaf Hayer (Dionysus, Luca Turilli, Symphonity, Magic Kingdom,) Chris Petersen has an amazing voice – fueled with power, passion, and strength.
“Soul Survivor” opens this ass-kicker of an album that is a fantastic, loud, Melodic Power Metal song with a huge, vocal heavy harmonic chorus, and a guitar solo that is so well done. While listening to “Soul Survivor” pay attention to Peterson’s vocal work, for his, is a voice that is every bit as good as some of the finest in Metal, and this song proves it. The CD highlight, “Break Heresy” is a song that should be on every American heavy metal radio station (but of course, won’t be,) and “Swallow Your Pride” almost took the album into DragonForce territory, as in certain moments it was reminiscent of the excellent track, “Through The Fire and Flames.” “Shimmering Status” was a showcase for drummer Nick McCallister and keyboardist Diego Valadez, and “This Means War,” is so intense, and so fast it’ll make your heart pound, and head explode. Definitely, the heaviest and fastest song on Off The Grid, an instant reach for the volume knob was made, as this song too, was a CD highlight. Four strikes of the hi-hat kicked off the closing track, the gorgeous, majestic, jam-packed, powerful, “Running Riot.”
The title track was a bit much in parts, but on the whole, really not a bad song to be heard. Like it has been said so many times by this reviewer, radio will continue to prove that they just suck ass when it comes down to helping support bands like Cellador that put everything they have into their releases. When hearing music like that what was heard on this album it quickly becomes apparent that bands like Cellador love their fans and make music for their fans – god awful radio aside – and thank God that bands like Cellador exist, for this was as great of a listening experience as a lover of Melodic Power Metal could want.
Genre: Melodic Power Metal, Heavy Metal
Band Members:
Chris Petersen – guitars, vocals
Eric Meyers – guitar
Diego Valadez – keyboards
James Pickett – bass
Nick McCallister – drums
Track listing:
1. Soul Survivor
2. Break Heresy
3. Shadowfold
4. Wake Up The Tyrant
5. Off The Grid
6. Swallow Your Pride
7. Shimmering Status
8. Good Enough
9. This Means War
10. Running Riot
Label: Scarlet Records
Website: www.cellador.com
HRH Rating: (8.5 / 10)