by Steve Patrick
– Sr. Columnist —
Indianapolis retro metallers Sacred Leather recently treated Columbus, OH to the first date of their “Sado-Massacre Tour.” The aptly titled band is one big visual and audio reference to everything that made Metal in the 80’s awesome: hair, leather, and, most importantly, killer songs. Refreshingly though, this is no cover band. Sacred Leather delivers original and powerful Metal anthems that would surely put a smile on Rob Halford’s face.
Frontman Wrathchild (AKA Dustin Boltjes of Skeletonwitch and Iron Diamond) sat down with Hardrock Haven for an on-the-spot interview following Sacred Leather’s performance. Our quick chat covered the Sacred Leather’s recently released 2-song “cassingle”, the hilarious vintage-looking “Prowling Sinner” music video, and the band’s impending full-length debut record. Wrathchild also discussed the major differences in fronting a band vs. drumming in one and how the mighty Sacred Leather came into being.
For more information, please check out: https://sacredleather.bandcamp.com/releases
Videographer: Justin DelPrince