by Derric Miller
— Managing Editor —
Seattle, in general, is known for two types of music–Grunge and Queensryche. Sure, that’s selling it short, considering Heart and a slew of bands like Nevermore, Demon Hunter, Aiden, etc. but just fun (emphasis on FUN), kick ass Classic-tinged Heavy Metal … there’s basically Zero Down flying that flag. They have a brand new album out called Larger Than Death, and keeping with their prior releases, the cover art is eerie and awesome. It’s the music that matters most, though, and Zero Down just keeps getting better …
The first single and opening track is “High Priestess,” which does in fact like a lot of Judas Priest riffing. While a bit repetitive lyrically, musically the song features tempo changes, a bevy of leads and it’s just all METAL. Lead singer Mark “Hawk” Hawkinson brings more of a screamy, gritty Punk edge to his vocals, and the mix will either work for you or it won’t. In past releases, Hawk didn’t seem to quite have a technician’s grasp of his vocals–he was all high energy and screams. Larger Than Death is by far his best vocal performance.
“Mean Machine” is one of the best tracks on the new album … almost as good as “Leche de Tigre” off a former album. Again, the razored riffs and killer guitar solos bring this song together and you’ll be searching for 11 on your volume knob.
Why wouldn’t Zero Down write a song like “Raccoon City”? As stated, these guys don’t take themselves too seriously and are just blasting the Metal at your noggin. You can tell either Hawk has learned how to find his head resonance, stretch his range or he’s just naturally getting better, but he still has that shrieky falsetto that even on this release, sounds better than ever before. Goofy title, kick ass track.
“Western Movies” sounds like Anthrax, John Bush-era but just way faster. It’s probably the heaviest composition on the release and when Hawk scream, “Aim high … shoot to kill!” your blood will be burning. There’s more testosterone in this song than in the ending of Eastwood’s “Gran Torino.” Go out with a bang, kids …
If you were waiting for a ballad, you’ll have to keep waiting. The album closes with “Horns,” another seething, powerful chugging track that is all bravado. It’d fit perfect in a movie like “Rock Star,” when Wahlberg is driving down the road screaming out the window with the radio cranked. Anthems are all over Larger Than Death, and this is another strong one.
And for the record, if you are lucky enough to see these gents play live, as Hardrock Haven staff have, their live show is somehow more energized and Metal than their albums, which doesn’t seem humanly possible.
If you are looking for something a little different, Zero Down is definitely that. The mix of a singer who also knows how to shout and scream, talented guitarists and some thunderous drumming wrapped in the cocoon of the Metal gods of yesteryear and today make for a unique concoction. While Seattle is already on the map, Zero Down is another reason to keep paying attention because that city never stopped creating great artists, even ones that bang their damn heads off.
Genre: Metal
Lenny Burnett – Lead & Rhythm Guitars, Vocals
Matt Fox – Lead & Rhythm Guitars, Vocals
Ron E. Banner – Bass, Vocals
Chris Gohde – Drums
Mark “Hawk” Hawkinson – Lead Vocals & Screams
1. High Priestess
2. Mean Machine
3. Lightening Rod
4. Racoon City
5. Curandera
6. Western Movies
7. Preacher Killer
8. Lone Wolf
9. Larger Than Death
10. Horns
Label: Minotauro Records
Zero Down Facebook
Hardrock Haven rating: (8.3 / 10)
Waiting on preorder LP now. Caught them with UDO last March. High Priestess blew me away.