by Derric Miller
— Managing Editor —
Any time a band wants to have some sort of staying power, they need to improve release after release. You could say the sophomore album (if they make it that far) sets the tone for everything to come. While Fiction Syxx’s debut Tall Dark Secrets was a polished and steady release, it really wasn’t all that much fun, especially considering the dudes in the band, like guitarist JK Northrup, stud keyboardist Eric Ragno and of course the band leader, singer, songwriter, guitarist Mark Allen Lanoue. These guys are all personalities, and it didn’t quite come through in the music. And now they’ve released The Alternate Me, an album that takes everything great about Tall Dark Secrets and cranks it to 11.
“My Darkest Hour” is the first track, and already you can feel the power bubbling from Ragno’s keys and a surprisingly strong vocal from Lanoue. He sounded a bit restrained on the debut; well, those metaphorical chains are off now. What’s funny about Lanoue you could crack a stupid joke like, “For a guitarist you are a really good singer,” but the joke doesn’t work any more. Lanoue CAN shred, he was always a guitarist first, but his vocal prowess is catching up.
Do you hate those bullies on social media, those cowardly troglodytes who sit safely behind a keyboard and think they are some sort of super villain? So does Fiction Syxx, and thus, “Monster in the Mist.” For you guitar fiends, the leads here are “lit,” as the children would say.
“Angel of Mine” is one of their most AOR-leaning compositions, and again, Ragno’s keys bring everything to life. This is such a buoyant song, triumphant, and really is somehow both energetic and soothing. Fiction Syxx is not easy define with a genre, because with the talent and musicianship, they can play whatever the hell they want. Proof … “Angel of Mine.”
If you want to go the other direction, and hear some Metal, you can glom onto “Better Part of Me.” The breakdowns are searing, and drummer Rory Faciane owns this track with the tempo changes and fills. Like all great bands, the song should always come first or it’s blather, but as individuals, the talent across the board here is obvious. May be the best guitar solos to be found on the album, and that’s saying a lot.
If you’ve heard Lanoue in his other bands/projects, people always say he sounds a bit like Dennis DeYoung. Lanoue embraced that as they cover the Styx hit “Suite Madame Blue.” Now, putting yourself out there covering Styx is one thing, but this song is all about the vocals, and Lanoue owns it. Maybe a surprising cover, but once you hear it, you know it belongs on The Alternate Me.
Get out the psilocybin kids, cuz it’s time to get trippy! The album ends with “Tragic Magic” and the Uriah Heep cover “The Wizard.” If you took that whole “wasn’t all that much fun” comment to heart, you can now burn it to ashes and maybe even smoke them, because Fiction Syxx completely lets loose on “Tragic Magic.” Although some of the other tracks sound like hits, this is likely the one you’ll keep coming back to. Ragno even has a sort of swirly ’70s vibe to his keys. “The Wizard” is of course a hippy ’70s song, and suddenly the razored guitar playing gets fat, in a good way. This had to be a riot for Ragno to play as well; keys are a main component to this composition. It’s really a perfect ending to the release.
Congrats to the guys from Fiction Syxx for creating something actually worth listening to. With so much offal being slung at the masses today, it’s hard to sift through all the rubble and actually find any treasure. The album is high quality, socially conscious, peaceful, moody, mysterious, melodic, and most of all, fun. So whether you barter with magic mushrooms or gold, The Alternate Me gives you nothing but strong alternatives, wherever you may turn …
Genre: Progressive Metal/Melodic Rock
Mark Allen Lanoue – Lead Vocals & Guitar
JK Northrup – Guitar, B. Vocals & Production
Rory Faciane – Drums
Larry Hart – Bass
Eric Ragno – Keyboards
01. My Darkest Hour 04.11
02. Monster In The Mist 04.31
03. Angel Of Mine 03.57
04. The Alternate Me 04.10
05. Wind Reminds Me 04.41
06. Carry The Light 03.41
07. Foolish Pride 04.02
08. Better Part Of Me 03.57
09. Tall Dark Secrets 05.00
10. Suite Madame Blue 06.36
11. Tragic Magic 03.47
12. The Wizard 03.18
Label: MelodicRock Records
https://www.fictionsyxxrocks.com, www.melodicrockrecords.com
Hardrock Haven rating: (8.6 / 10)