by Dan Skiba
— Contributing Writer —
Lance King has been involved with some of the best Progressive-Power Metal outfits in the last 20 years … and his work especially as lead vocalist of Balance Of Power and Pyramaze set the bar to nearly unachievable heights. “Heavy Metal” to Lance has never been defined by following the lead forged by the Traditional, Doom, and Hair Metal heavyweights who became household names in the music industry. Rather, Lance has successfully established his blended Geoff Tate/James LaBrie/Michael Kiske singing style into a uniquely inspirational vocal delivery coupled with cerebrally challenging lyrics and song topics.
Through the first decade (plus) since the turn of the century, Lance was as active as anyone in the Metal industry, which, of course, included the rigors of running an international Progressive-Power Metal label in Nightmare Records and running a syndicated radio show (The SHOPP). In 2011, Lance received much-deserved notoriety with his first solo record, A Moment In Chiros, and won several “Progressive Metal Album Of The Year” awards. Perhaps feeling a profound sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, not long thereafter Lance surprisingly became increasingly less visible in the music scene … and began pursuing a musical stage acting career. However, whether it was a middle age crisis, a self-awareness reckoning, or perhaps a rebalance of karma generated from his love for martial arts, Lance felt motivated to write and record a second solo album … and called upon the talents of some of the best musicians in all of Metal to contribute.
The end result is ReProgram, an introspective album that asks not only “why” … but also “why not”? Lance seems to convey a strong message (and warning?) that life and society has morphed to become too fast, yet too defined; too expansive, yet too confined; too manipulated, yet woefully unaligned. The album starts with the title track “ReProgram”, which is a quality Progressive Metal song about taking a step back, conducting self-evaluation, and “rebooting” the direction of your life. It sets the tone and defines the persistent themes and importance of awareness, taking control of your life, and rejuvenation of the soul despite countless pressures from society, family, career paths, etc.
Other album highlights include the third track, “Stand Your Ground” — the first true “rocker” — which crosses over the line from Progressive Metal to Progressive Power Metal. It’s powerful and catchy at the same time. “Limitless”, the first single from ReProgram, has a similar formula to the title track, and hits home with all moving parts in perfect sync. “Wide Open” is perhaps the most unique track of the bunch with its mysterious, haunting, and seductively deliberate riff that grabs your attention and locks you into Lance’s politically motivated message and listener challenge. Innovative keyboard use has always been one of the signature traits of Progressive Metal, and the track “Spell Of Domestication” features some impressive passages along with aggressive double bass drumming.
ReProgram is indeed a solid album, however, Lance occasionally comes across as too deliberate in getting his messages across. He certainly has plenty to say and convey, but the risk of homing in on that objective often translates to sacrificing lyrical melody and catchiness … a phenomena most often found in concept albums. The highlighted tracks above succeed both lyrically and musically, but Lance seems to trip on his own feet within songs such as “Technology”, “Reaction Formation”, and “Chaotica”. Regardless, Progressive-Power Metal needs Lance King, and it’s great to see him actively writing new music again … hopefully actively performing live on Metal stages will follow.
Genre: Progressive Metal, Power Metal
Co-Writing Performers:
Kim Olesen – (Anubis Gate)
(Guitars and Keys on ‘ReProgram’ and ‘Technology’)
Markus Sigfridsson – (Darkwater/Harmony)
(Guitars and Keys on ‘Stand your Ground’, ‘Limitless’, ‘Perfect World’)
Matt Hodsdon – (Chaos Frame)
(Guitars and Keys on ‘Chaotica’, ‘Reaction Formation’, ‘Spell of Domestication’)
Rich Hinks – (Annihilator / Aeon Zen)
(Bass on all tracks except (*) Guitar, Keys on ‘Pointing Fingers’, ‘A Mind at War’, ‘Wide Open’)
Lance’s Featured Friends:
Morten Gade Sørensen (Pyramaze/Anubis Gate) Massive Grooves and Percussion
Fred Columbo (Spheric Universe Experience) (Keys transition between ‘Wide Open & Chaotica’, solo on ‘Spell of Domestication’ and ‘A Mind at War’)
Mattias IA Eklundh (Freak Kitchen) (Guitar solo on ‘Wide Open’)
Jakob Riis (L Wood Joy) ( *Bass on ‘ReProgram’ and ‘Technology’)
Pointing Fingers
Stand Your Ground
Reaction Formation
Wide Open
Spell Of Domestication
Perfect World
A Mind At War
Label: Nightmare Records
Online: http://lancekingvox.com
Hardrock Haven rating: (7.5 / 10)