by Alexandra Mrozowska
— Senior Columnist —
Believe it or not – there are still Rock fans out there who claim their favorite music has deteriorated and disappeared with the advent of whatever modern cultural or social phenomenon they are eager to put the blame on. It seems likely that this opinionated bunch have been channeling their inner Robinson Crusoe and living on some kind of a desert island for at least the last couple of years. Rock might not be mainstream anymore, but it’s still there. And what is particularly important, we can see a substantial representation of Millenials in all subgenres of Rock followed by more and more artists of even the younger generation.
One of these Gen Z-ers entering the music industry by storm now is Cassidy Paris – a young singer based in Melbourne, Australia. Inspired by the female Rock icons of the ‘70s and the ‘80s as well as their more contemporary counterparts, Cassidy is determined to bring the guitar-oriented sounds back into the mainstream. We caught up with the ambitious eighteen-year-old to discuss her songwriting, music influences and what it’s like to be a Generation Z rocker…

Hardrock Haven: Just a few months ago, your new single “Like I Never Loved You” saw the light of day. At the age of 18, are you happy with where your music career is heading towards at this very moment?
Cassidy Paris: Yeah, absolutely. The single’s had a fantastic response, and I was really excited to put “Like I Never Loved You” out because it’s one of [my] most personal songs and I had a really good time writing and recording it. And recently I’ve just done a live video of “Like I Never Loved You” at GM Sound Studios and it’s had a really good response as well, so it’s been a lot of fun.
Hardrock Haven: You wrote “Like I Never Loved You” with Paul Laine (ex-Danger Danger, The Defiants). What kind of experience is that for you to work with him, considering everything from the age difference to his vast experience as a musician and a producer?
Cassidy Paris: I recorded and wrote [the song] with Paul Laine indeed and as usual, it’s such an amazing experience. I’m so lucky to have that type of mentor in my life who’s with me on my musical journey and I’m very grateful to be able to work such a heavyweight in the industry like Paul Laine. He’s just so ridiculously talented and again, I’m very, very lucky to have him in musical career. I started to write with him when I was a little bit younger – I think I was thirteen when we wrote “Talk About It,” my first single… and the rest is history really. I’ve really enjoyed writing with him and it’s a lot of fun too, so I’m very, very lucky.
Hardrock Haven: Does having new singles already out means there’s also a debut full-length album in the works? And if it is so, what do you want it to stand for in terms of sound?
Cassidy Paris: Absolutely! I’m really, really excited to be working on a full-length album and I have a new single definitely in the works, so that will be out in a couple of months. I’m very, very excited to have that out there too very soon. It’s a lot of fun and that’s how it’s gonna be. And as I’ve already said in numerous interviews, I’m very Rock-influenced and I’ve been working with a number of people that have a lot of Rock influences as well. I’m very lucky to have a great support network around me, like I have and I’ve always had my dad around me and he has educated me with a lot of Rock icons that I look up to. So that would definitely be incorporated into my full-length album. I’m taking bits and pieces from the ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s Rock artists and the bands that I love, so that’s really exciting, and also putting a little bit of a modern twist on it. So hopefully [it will be] incorporating all of that and I’m just really excited to have it out there.
Hardrock Haven: What does inspire your songwriting and how does the songwriting process look like for you?
Cassidy Paris: Like I’ve mentioned, it’s personal experiences that inspire my songwriting. Unfortunately, during high school I was a victim of bullying and now I’m very grateful to be associated with the Metalheads Against Bullying organization which allows me to share my story with people who may be experiencing something similar to what I did when I was younger. And I wrote my single “Stand” [2018] that resembled what I went through and how to overcome the battles a bullied person has to face. So it’s all personal experience and the really great thing about songwriting for me is that it allows me to express myself.
Hardrock Haven: Do you think some of your peers’ music choices are actually just to impress others, and maybe that’s the reason why genres of Rock and Metal aren’t that popular among the Generation Z anymore?
Cassidy Paris: Yeah, absolutely! I think that’s a very interesting question. Myself, I always have been inspired by Rock music and I completely understand what you mean. A lot of people nowadays are kind of what you’d call a bandwagon in terms of music, so I’m really lucky and excited to have something different out there and I feel like my music does bring back vibes from Joan Jett or Pat Benatar – some of my favorite rockers when I was younger – and incorporate that and bring it to the modern music industry right now. So it’s very exciting to have that different sound of music.
Hardrock Haven: You’ve started your career in music relatively early. What kind of impact did it have on your adolescence and social life – and was it also a reason why you’ve been bullied?
Cassidy Paris: Absolutely, like you’ve said I was a victim of bullying due to embarking on my musical journey very young. But I wouldn’t take anything back. I absolutely love what I do and I’m very excited and grateful to be able to do what I do. And like I said, music has been a way I can express myself, so I’m happy to be able to have that platform to portray the experiences I’ve had in high school. So it’s been a very interesting ride and I’m very grateful and happy with what I do and proud of it.
Hardrock Haven: And as you’ve already mentioned, you certainly come from a musical family. Our readers already know your father Steve [Janevski], who we had a pleasure to talk with about his current band Wicked Smile. Young people often rebel against their parents, but you seem to have a good father-daughter relationship as your dad actually plays in your solo band. What kind of experience is it to play in a band with your own parent?
Cassidy Paris: That’s a very, very good question (laughs). I’m very happy that I have a good relationship with my father and my upbringing was always fantastic. He always allowed me to express myself through whatever I wanted to do and whichever path I wanted to take. And luckily enough, he was very excited to hear that I wanted to make music and pursue that. It all worked out pretty well and to have him in my band is just awesome. Like you’ve said, it’s very different from a number of other teenagers, but we have a lot of fun. It’s still a normal father-daughter relationship, I can assure you! (laughs) We do have our ups and downs, but mostly it’s just a lot of fun and we love rocking out onstage together.
Hardrock Haven: Absolutely, as it should be! We’ve already mentioned some decline of interest in Rock music among your peers. Do you think it’s possible for Rock music to become mainstream again?
Cassidy Paris: Absolutely! I’m a big believer in bringing back Rock music to the forefront and the next generation doing it is something I always loved to see. I think about rockers like myself – there’s a big community of rockers underground that I think a lot of people are really beginning to support and it’s awesome to see people supporting that and endorsing Rock’s next generation. So I’m really happy to have people on my side with Rock. To bring it back is definitely one of my aspirations.
Hardrock Haven: What’s the current situation in the music market in Australia? Do you see a niche for yourself there, or do you think about your career more globally?
Cassidy Paris: Definitely globally, actually. I love Australia and it’s a beautiful country if you ever get to travel there – obviously, not with COVID pandemic going on at the moment… But I think that trying to get my music out globally is definitely one thing that I really wanna pursue. And breaking into the music industry in Australia is really, really difficult whereas I’ve had a lot of support from people internationally… I’ve actually traveled to Japan and America and people are so, so lovely [there] and so supportive that I can’t wait to get back there and start performing again internationally.
Hardrock Haven: So, having already experienced both playing live and studio work, where do you feel more comfortable at?
Cassidy Paris: I feel comfortable in both places and they’re both my happy places. They’re my home – that’s where I feel at home. During the lockdown, I saw myself writing and recording constantly, because that was my avenue to express myself, obviously… And I know a lot of artists actually did that during the lockdown worldwide. So it’s definitely a passion of mine. I think that writing and recording is expressing myself while performing is something I absolutely adore. I couldn’t probably choose between the two… I could almost say I’d choose performing live, because then I get to interact with all the amazing people that come to the shows.
Hardrock Haven: You’ve mentioned the lockdown period and obviously, all that happened in 2020. Virtual festivals were something that we turned to last year for obvious reasons and in June 2020 you took part in the New Wave Of Classic Rock WebFest 2 headlined by Massive Wagons, Bad Touch and Collateral. What kind of experience was it? Obviously different from your previous concert experiences…
Cassidy Paris: Yeah, very different but fantastic! The people at the New Wave Of Classic Rock have always been so, so supportive and I love working with them whenever I get the chance to. So, to be a part of that online show was just really amazing and I love interacting with fans all over the world, like I said previously, for example on social media. I definitely find myself connecting with people all over the world on my social media. And that’s just the awesome part of it that I am able to communicate with fans who are really my friends – they’re my family. It’s amazing to be able to do that via streaming platforms and social media platforms and in this case, the New Wave Of Classic Rock WebFest as well.
Hardrock Haven: Talking about these interactions which are indeed very important to you, have you met any of people you’re a fan of yourself – and what kind of experience was it?
Cassidy Paris: Yeah, I’ve met a couple of people… This is probably going to go against my Rock music side (laughs), but I met Taylor Swift when I was younger and that was just absolutely mind-blowing… It’s really inspired me – the experience was just so incredible to be able to meet one of my favorite singers and performers of all-time. I believe I was the age of nine – eight or nine – and we were chosen out of the crowd for looking like we were rocking out at one of her concerts (laughs). That was pretty cool. And I actually met the members of H.E.A.T. as well – I met Erik Grönwall and [Don] Crash – and it was just awesome. They’re such lovely guys! And again, for me, when I was beginning my musical journey, to meet people like that just inspired me very much and I really aspire to be like them.
Hardrock Haven: You’ve also mentioned the likes of Joan Jett or Pat Benatar as being one of your influences – but what’s so inspiring about them for you?
Cassidy Paris: I’ve always really, really loved their work. Back when I was younger, dad would play me “I Love Rock’n’Roll” and “I Hate Myself For Loving You” by Joan Jett and a bunch of Pat Benatar’s [songs] so I’ve always just really resonated with both those artists as well as Lita Ford… a number of artists, actually – including modern, current artists like Lzzy Hale. I really, really loved Halestorm. I remember, when I was younger, everyone was coming to class in high school with a poster of their favorite band and I made this massive guitar with my dad – we stayed up all night creating it… And it said “Halestorm” on it and everyone looked at me like I was the most bizarre kid (laughs)… And they had no idea who the band was, but I was just so happy and proud to present this piece. I’ve just always loved artists and rockers like that and appreciated their music and what they stand for as powerful women in the Rock industry.
Hardrock Haven: So having mentioned these more contemporary influences, are there any influences you’d like to mention that aren’t that obvious through your music but are still important to you?
Cassidy Paris: Lzzy Hale has always been a major one for me. I listen to a lot of music and I listen to Evanescence as well, which I know is more modern band… I listen to some Punk Rock stuff too. I also adore Paramore and I love all their stuff – a bunch of artists like that. I really stand for women in Rock and love and appreciate what they do and bring again Rock music back to the forefront.
Hardrock Haven: Talking about songwriting, you’ve brought up the title of your 2018 single “Stand”, which I think can be also thought of as a contemporary feminist anthem. Do you consider yourself a feminist?
Cassidy Paris: Absolutely! I absolutely do. And I think that standing up for women and women’s rights is very, very important and bringing back Rock music and standing up with people together to bring this back to the forefront is very empowering for [other] women.
Hardrock Haven: The music industry has been male-dominated for decades, and many of female musicians struggled against its rules. From your perspective as a young woman entering the business now, is the situation finally changing?
Cassidy Paris: I think it still has a long way to go… With women in Rock, we’re still slightly underrepresented, but there are a lot of people that are working together to empower women and make sure that we are equal. And we do continue this trend and start incorporating more people and women in Rock. So I think it’s really important. It’s definitely changing and we’ll continue to change [it].
Hardrock Haven: What does the future hold in store for you?
Cassidy Paris: I think that I’m still learning new ways and I think that’s really important. I’m very, very young, so writing, recording and performing is what I’m always gonna be building and growing from. So I think working on full-length album and getting it out there is definitely something I’m going to be doing within the next year and couple of years… And getting a new single out there, that I’m really excited to release… And I’ve also just become an endorsee of Fender Squier, so I’m really looking forward to working with them. And besides that, just playing live where I can, meeting people and associating with people and all the fans – so I’m really excited to be doing all that.
Hardrock Haven: And what kind of message or word of inspiration would you like to pass on to your peers?
Cassidy Paris: Bring Rock music back to the forefront. Rock: the next generation is coming to you!