by Derric Miller
— Managing Editor —
The Heavy Metal duo (and friends) Ashes of Ares’ Matt Barlow and Freddie Vidales, both ex-Iced Earth members, have unleashed their third effort together, Emperors and Fools. It’s their best one yet, and that’s a rough row considering the quality of their other releases. Singer Matt Barlow is somehow one of Heavy Metal’s greatest vocalists, and yet doesn’t get enough credit. You never really come into your own as a singer until you find YOUR voice, and there is no one on earth who can match Barlow from his Thrash to Power metal vocal stylings. Emperors and Fools throws the gauntlet down on all other Metal bands and asks, “Which one are you?”
The unfortunate intro, an instrumental that you need only hear once and then will skip every subsequent listen, laces into the next track, “I Am the Night.” Pounding, thunderous, rabid in the best way possible, “I Am the Night” is somehow a Thrash song with a Progressive Metal chorus mixed into the fray. It just leaves you drooling like a fat guy at an Italian buffet for more METAL (not heart-clogging food).
“Our Last Sunrise” is oddly placed; after the final sunrise, what other stories are left to tell? You’ll hear more bombastic drumming, a bass thrum, and anthemic chant of “We’ll fight!” This is the kind of song that sells out arenas in Europe; America is still working on becoming more emperor than fool as far as appreciating Metal.
The title track is when you first get to take a breath on Emperors and Fools. An acoustic-led composition for the most part, and here Barlow uses a different hue from his vocal palette as he softens the blow and just sings with conviction and sadness. It does get heavier at times, a full on Metal construct, but keeps swaying back and forth between the hyper-melodic and painfully honest brutality.
“Gone” is another highlight, a slower song, allowing the music to reach inside and pull at you. This is just another reason why Barlow is such an almost unparalleled talent; he sings exactly what he wants to, with no barriers able to stop him if he wants to sing Thrash, Heavy Metal, Progressive Metal or Power Metal. As a vocalist, he’s as authentic as it gets.
“Monster’s Lament” is your final destination, and for some reason it’s being lauded as something all fans have been waiting to hear, Tim Ripper Owens and Barlow singing together. It’s a cool, heated track, but if there was some calling for the twain to meet vocally, it likely passed a few of you by. The styles are fairly glaring in their difference, but it’s not really a knock on Ripper–who is going to be able to match talents with Barlow anyway? So Metal fans can rejoice this happened, and it does close things out with aplomb.
Emperors and Fools is sure to land on many Top 10 lists this year. Maybe even at #1 on many of them–it’s that good. Ashes of Ares is now beckoning you to find your way back, leave those foolhardy listening moments in the past, and be emperors with them.
Genre: Heavy Metal
Matt Barlow – Vocals
Freddie Vidales – Guitars, Bass
A City in Decay (Intro)
I Am the Night
Our Last Sunrise
Where God Fears to Go
Emperors and Fools
By My Blade
What Tomorrow Will Bring
The Iron Throne
Throne of Iniquity
Monster’s Lament
Label: Roar of Angels
Hardrock Haven rating: (9.1 / 10)