by Derric Miller
— Managing Editor —
So many bands today attempt to make a musical Karelian stew of genres from their buffet. You’ll see their music described as “Power/Thrash/Symphonic/AOR/Progressive” or some such blather. It’s refreshing to hear a band like Power Paladin burst out of the gates in 2022 with swords aflame shouting “We Are POWER METAL!” And yes, that’s all they are, the best kind of Power Metal–just one flavor, not a mixed stew of audial “Look what we can do!”
Their debut release With the Magic of Windfyre Steel is a triumphant, anthemic shout-along journey. They remind of the good Kiske era of Halloween, like “I Want Out” and “Future World.” Yes, they are that good, and even the first track “Kraven the Hunter” unabashedly conveys that in racing, breakneck guitar leads and solos, and machine gun blasts from drummer Einar Karl Júlíusson. Can the album keep it up?
They slow it down on “Evermore,” an ethereal, an Elven sort of construct at the onset. Expect a ballad? Don’t, it changes course to another bubbly, melodic racing composition. By now you realize lead vocalist Atli Guðlaugsson has all the chops you need for this kind of Metal. His voice is welcoming, range impressive, and rarely screams–he just sails into the highs naturally. For such a young band on a debut, the craftmanship vocally, musically and from a writing perspective surprise.
“Into the Forbidden Forest” is an album highlight. By now, they’ve answered the question “Can they keep it up?” Meet musical Viagra, friends. They keep it up and never want during the entire release.
Your journey comes to an end on “There Can be Only One.” This track put the spotlight on keyboardist Bjarni Egill Ögmundsson, a necessary component to Power Metal. That’s only for a minute though, and then the composition morphs into a galloping anthem. Here Guðlaugsson shows his wares as far as how high he can sing, and after everything before it, it’s unnecessary. This may be one of the compositions where turning it up to a Spinal Tap 11 should have stopped around 8.
Overall, With the Magic of Windfyre Steel is a surprising debut from the young Finns. Especially since you expect dark, brooding, grooving Metal with low vocals from a Finnish band, but no, not Power Paladin. They proudly wave the Power Metal flag with utmost adeptness, and it’s one of those new bands you just have to embrace, windfyre or not.
Genre: Power Metal
Ingi Þórisson | guitars
Atli Guðlaugsson | vocals
Bjarni Egill Ögmundsson | keys
Einar Karl Júlíusson | drums
Bjarni Þór Jóhannsson | guitars
Kristleifur Þorsteinsson | bass
1. Kraven The Hunter
2. Righteous Fury
3. Evermore
4. Dark Crystal
5. Way Of Kings
6. Ride The Distant Storm
7. Creatures Of The Night
8. Into the Forbidden Forest
9. There Can Be Only One)
Label: Atomic Fire Records
Hardrock Haven rating: (7.9 / 10)