by Dan Skiba
— Staff Writer —
The Three Tremors are comprised of Veteran Metal Musician Maniacs out of San Diego, California along with 3 of the most respected vocalists in the business to lead the charge behind the microphone(s). Those vocalists being none other than Tim “Ripper” Owens (Judas Priest, KK’s Priest, and many others), Sean “The Hell Destroyer” Peck (Cage, and others), and Harry “The Tyrant” Conklin (Jag Panzer, and others). The band formed in 2018 and released a self-titled record with the intent of extensive touring, which unfortunately never got off the ground due to COVID 19. However, the positive byproduct of quarantining was the creation of a second album entitled Guardians Of The Void.
Cutting to the chase, if you like your Metal frenetic, ball-breaking, and filled with higher octave vocal energy, then Guardians Of The Void is going to satisfy your every desire in spades. The bonus quality in the above equation is, of course, that The Three Tremors hits you vocally from every angle, and then some. This Metal Triumvirate lets it all hang out and delivers a combined vocal performance seldom (if ever) heard anywhere by anyone in the past. Imagine rabid, possessed wild dogs congregating around a garbage barrel bonfire on a cold night under a glowing full moon … each trying to establish alpha-male status by taking the stance of “anything you can do, I can do better” at the microphone. Although each performance shines individually, their harmonies from hell blend very well and can quite frankly crack your skull.
Although (presumably intentionally) set back out of the spotlight of the band’s promotional material, the musicianship is also solid and provides a precise, yet rough and dirty, Power Metal backdrop. David Garcia and Casey Trask (guitars) play furiously with unrelenting speed. Their solos sound wicked oftentimes and fit perfectly into the fire and brimstone soundscape. Alex Pickard on bass masterfully sets the pace with Sean Elg on drums, who has the double kick-pedals begging for mercy. All in all very impressive musicianship and that alone is reason enough to buy this album.
In the end, Guardians Of The Void is a very solid Metal album. There’s no fluff here … no transitional mellow moments. Just in your face METAL that is capable of crushing your sternum and ripping your heart to pieces. If you’re a fan of raw Power Metal (think Helloween) or enjoyed Tim Owens Charred Walls Of The Damned project, then this album is a must buy.
Genre: Metal
Tim Ripper Owens
Sean Peck
Harry Conklin
1. Bone Breaker
2. Guardians of The Void
3. Kryptonian Steel
4. Crucifier
5. I Can’t Be Stopped
6. Frailty
7. Operation: Neptune Spear
8. Chained to The Oar
9. Catastrophe
10. Wickedness and Sin
11. Fall of Rome
12. War of Nation
Label: Steel Cartel
Hardrock Haven rating: (8 / 10)