By Derric Miller — Managing Editor—
Mr. Big is a long-standing enigma in Hard Rock. The musicianship puts them up with Winger, but their pop-sensibility stands apart. This is mainly due to singer Eric Martin, who sounds like no one and everyone at the same time. Figure that one out.
Their new album, Ten, carries on that tradition.
Starting with “Good Luck Trying,” a jumbly cacophony, you’ll probably question why are you listening to this. It’s not good.
They get back on track with the rest of the album, especially “Sunday Morning Kinda Girl.” Bass heavy, the song thumps. Roberts sings with aplomb and it’s why everyone loves Mr. Big.
“Who We Are” slows it down for the ladies. “Connected to your heart, it’s a better of who we are.” There is just some facet of joy Mr. Big taps into. It’s damn cool.
“The Frame” is the mellowest song here. Nothing but pure poesy. “I once was an indelible figure, now I don’t even fit in the frame.” Just sheer sadness, losing yourself and wondering how you got there … and how do you get back?
Mr. Big does it again. There’s just something intangible they bring to the music, and we are all better off for it.
01. Good Luck Trying
02. I Am You
03. Right Outta Here
04. Sunday Morning Kinda Girl
05. Who We Are
06. As Good As It Gets
07. What Were You Thinking
08. Courageous
09. Up On You
10. The Frame
11. See No Okapi (instrumental – Japan bonus)
Genre: Hard Rock
Eric Martin
Billy Sheehan
Paul Gilbert
Nick D’Virgilio
Hardrock Haven rating: (8.3 / 10)
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