Rage Strings to a Web
by Franco Wissa
Staff Writer
Rage, formed in 1984, under the original moniker, Avenged, released their debut, Prayers of Steel, in 1985. The same year, after discovering another band shared the same name, they made the switch to Furious Rage, shortly after shortening it to Rage, and released Reign of Fear, in 1986 under their new name. Strings to a Web, Rage’s 19th full length release, and the follow up to 2008’s Carved in Stone, is a cataclysmic, powerhouse of a CD, but still, showing through are traces of melodic, power metal, progressive, soft and indeed a showcase of varying songwriting styles and on more than one occasion, vocal harmonies, peeking their way through.
What makes this particular CD so inviting is that just when you start to pigeonhole the band into one genre as what can be heard on the first few crushing, power metal tracks, they change styles frequently throughout the CD’s playing time, uniting rudiments of the progressive, “Empty Hollow,” the melodic “Into the Light,” the thrash Metallica sounding “Tomorrow Never Comes,” the incredible drumming heard on the rousing “The Beggar’s Last Dime,” the futuristic title track, the aggressive “The Edge of Darkness,” the ball crushing “Hellgirl” (from what has been written is an homage to drummer Andre Hilgers’ new born daughter,) the cymbal heavy, nasty “Savior of the Dead,” the flowing, soft “Through Ages,” the pomp and circumstance of the mid tempo “Connected,” the stunning piano, and the orchestral strings of the short instrumental ballad “Fatal Grace,” which with comes a sensational acoustic guitar.
Rage front man, Peter Wagner, sings with a growling, muscular style that perfectly compliments the hard hitters heard on Strings to a Web, and as a band sound they sound much fuller than one would expect for being a trio. The drums are hard hitting (Andre Hilgers has assumed his new place, having replaced long time Rage drummer Mike Terrana,) and the guitar and bass are superb.
A few of the tracks sound familiar and purists of Rage may find themselves skipping over the progressive and the ballads, but, even to them and as well to the casual fan there is something here to definitely latch on to. Truly not a bad track to be heard, as the talent is tangible, and the powerful sentiment heard time and again is real. Overall, this is a great addition to Rage’s already impressive category of power metal.
Genre: Power Metal
Peter “Peavey” Wagner – bass, vocals
Victor Smolski – guitars, vocals
Andre Hilgers – drums
Track Listing:
1. Edge of Darkness
2. Hunter and Prey
3. Into the Light
4. The Beggar’s Last Dime
5. Empty Hollow
6. Strings to a Web
7. Fatal Grace
8. Connected
9. Savior of the Dead
10. Hellgirl
11. Through Ages
12. Tomorrow Never Comes
Web: www.rage-on.de
Label: Sonic Unyon
Hardrock Haven rating: 8.5/10