by Anabel Dflux
– Senior Photojournalist —
Anabel Dflux had a chat with Michael Valentine, bassist for hard rock band Love and Death. They talked about tours, music, and inspirations.
HRH: What has been your favorite tour thus far, and why?
Valentine: 5 weeks in Europe with Korn, They were all festival dates so I got to see every band that is around right now, plus a bunch I grew up watching.
HRH: Best experience with a fan?
Valentine: Every fan experience is it’s own novel, I can recall 1,000 great ones but not any individual ones.
HRH: What do you feel is your greatest musical achievement?
Valentine: I haven’t reached it yet. Every time I hit a certain goal, a new goal comes up. I think the one right now is to NOT break a bass on this tour.
HRH: How has Love and Death evolved over the years?
Valentine: New line up, our music has evolved and keeps evolving… It is about rolling with the changes. The first time I met Head I was kinda star struck… fast forward 5 years now he is the brother that half the time I love the other half I want to strangle.
HRH: For all of those wanting to take up bass, what advice can you bestow upon them?
Valentine: Do it because you love it. Do it your own way. And if you want to do it for a living prepare to sacrifice EVERYTHING.
HRH: Who are your biggest inspirations?
Valentine: Mike Patton, Steve Harris, Les Claypool, Nas and C.C. Devil
HRH: If you were not playing music, what would you be doing?
Valentine: I would probably be an out of work rouge scientist connecting chemical engineering to third world nations. Good thing I play music.
HRH: What can fans expect next from Love and Death?
Valentine: That would definitely be a surprise… but it is coming soon
You can connect with Love and Death online at https://www.facebook.com/LoveandDeathMusic.