by Jenn Carbaugh
– Columnist —
Making their debut from Southern Bavaria from Massacre Records is EDGEDOWN. Statues Fall is an album that delivers galloping metal with a vocal range that could have a slight comparison to Iron Maiden’s Dickinson. They seem to deliver what they hoped to achieve in terms of sound, because they promote their musical style as “modern heavy metal.” EDGEDOWN draws their inspiration from Iron Maiden, Dio, as well as some other metal lords.
The album begins with a haunting intro that builds tension during a brief speech. The opening song, that shares the album’s title, is upbeat with a dense lead. Good riffs, pounding leads, and steady drive are what tend to make up each song. However, there is a riff that cascades like melodic thunder in “Rising” and boost the album with technicality.
This album provides a lot of songs that aren’t too simple or too intricate. They are just right, because it is pulled off very well. Statues Fall has very good pacing as well. There is variation in the speed of each song. “Fate” is a prime example of a heavier song. There are also tracks that have a ballad sound to them. “Wasting Time” and “Flames” show the calmer side to EDGEDOWN.
Also, “Live Together, or Die Alone” is a great track. Serenity front man Georg Neuhauser lends his chops as a guest vocalist. He has a smooth tone that contrasts the rough delivery of Meixner. It is a brilliant collaboration.
The best thing about this album and this band is that they sound like traditional heavy metal like their influences. However, they have a modern sound as well. The mix creates fresh energy. They are definitely a band to look out for and they are certainly a recommended listen.
Genre: Heavy Metal
Andreas Meixner – Vocals
Michael Zebhauser – Guitars
Mathias Gaßner – Guitars
Stefan Rehrl – Bass
Peter Ramspott – Drums
Track Listing:
1. Intro
2. Statues Fall
3. In A Dream
4. Rising
5. Shot In The Dark
6. Wasting Time
7. Live Together Or Die Alone
8. No One’s Prey
9. Fate
10. Flames
Label: Massacre Records
Hardrock Haven Rating: 8/10