by Joe Mis
– Sr. Columnist —
In preparation for a full-length album release scheduled for early 2017, Florida-based power metallers Seven Kingdoms have put together a solid 4 track EP entitled In the Walls. Their new EP will feature two new tracks from the upcoming album and two re-recorded tunes from their debut release (2007’s Brothers of the Night). In the Walls will definitely whet the appetite of Seven Kingdoms’ fans since the band has been quiet since their 2012 release of The Fire is Mine.
As a band, Seven Kingdoms is tight and unified. With nearly 10 years together, the veteran act ably demonstrates why they’ve been together for so long. Their music is technically challenging and complex and is almost as much Symphonic Metal as it is Power Metal. Sabrina Valentine is in fine voice – jumping from near whisper to full on operatic without missing a beat. The Byrd brothers – Kevin (guitars) and Keith (drums) play together with that near-telepathic link that siblings always seem to share. Camden Cruz delivers some razor sharp guitars, while Aaron Sluss (bass) keeps everything fluid and lively. Leaning heavily on popular fantasy literature for inspiration, their well-structured songs are about as epic as they come – and familiarity with the subject matter may help make their music more accessible to the average music fan.
The EP opens with “In The Walls” (based on one of H.P. Lovecraft’s stories entitled The Rats In The Walls). This is an ideal opener as it showcases all the strengths of the band: good songwriting, massive guitars (both rhythm and solo), big double bass drumming, and galloping bass all backing superb vocals by Sabrina Valentine. Fans of Game of Thrones will appreciate the other new track, “Undying” – an obvious tribute to The Mother of Dragons. A very theatrical track, “Undying” switches tempo and pace, dishing out great guitar teamwork and very fine vocals.
The completely new versions of “The Bloody Meadow” and “Stormborn” follow – now featuring Valentine’s voice. While keeping the original, more Gothic / death metal feel of the first recordings, these are more modern takes that illustrate the evolution of the band’s performances and seem to be technically superior to the original. “Stormborn” – another Game of Thrones inspired tune – features the growls of original vocalist Bryan Edwards in near “beauty and the beast” delivery, a wonderful contrast to the crisp and clear vocals of Valentine.
The fine sound of In the Walls was achieved with the recording and engineering support of industry veterans Jim Morris (Iced Earth, Savatage, Death) and Phil Pluskota (Abiotic, King Conquer).
On the whole, In the Walls is a well-done EP that will do its part to help build the buzz for Seven Kingdom’s upcoming and highly anticipated full-length release. In the Walls will appeal to Seven Kingdom’s fan base, as well as to fans of symphonic, power, and female fronted metal.
Highly recommended!
Genre: Power Metal
Sabrina Valentine (vocals)
Camden Cruz (guitar)
Kevin Byrd (guitar)
Keith Byrd (drums)
Aaron Sluss (bass)
Guest musician – Bryan Edwards (growled vocals on “Stormborn”
Track Listing:
1. In the Walls
2. Undying
3. The Bloody Meadow
4. Stormborn
Label: Independent
Website: https://www.facebook.com/SevenKingdomsOfficial/
Hardrock Haven rating: 8/10