by Derric Miller
— Managing Editor—
There’s something about the Indie rock scene that brings music back to where it belongs. There’s so much musical airbrushing, auto-tuning, and sonic plastic surgery in music today “fake” doesn’t begin to describe whatever the hell it is the next know-(nothing)-at-all is trying to sell the masses. That’s why when you find a band like Moe Green’s Eye, from New York, give a little thanks and a nod that honest, organically melodic and unpretentious music still exists and realize it has a voice that needs to be heard.
With a smithering of The Smithereens, a drop or two of The Lemonheads and the street smarts of Tom Petty, Mo Green’s Eye has a new EP out, Fast Radio Bursts Live, that is a four-song teaser into who they are and will make you ask when the full-length is going to come out. Just four songs … but they are all strong.
Saving the best for first, “Fixed” is a timeless Rock song. It sounds like a radio hit from the ’80s, like when you could turn shit on and The Romantics would just be singing at you. Singer Anthony Galati has a mournful, throaty and sincere style. This is the kind of song that could have landed on The Singles Soundtrack. The second time he sings, “What if I came into your room … what if I locked the doors and made my own? Would you still feel the same? I’ve given you all, but not your name, no not your name …” you’ll be singing along. It’s that catchy. And that worthy.
“It’s Over Now” is a faster paced composition, still straight ahead and simple, but a bit more bluster. It doesn’t glide like “Fixed,” nor does it have to. Guitarist Steve Siegel tears into a short solo, and again, you’ll see how their repetitive choruses don’t ever get … redundant, if that’s possible. It just reinforces everything around it. “I’m older now, it’s over now, … yeah, I’ll make it somehow.” Good stuff.
“Stay” is even faster than the first two songs, and lets Siegel breathe a little more as a guitarist. This is the rock-iest track, seething with its drum blasts from Bob Gallagher, and while the least memorable of the four tracks, it shows another facet to their music they can and should examine.
They get a little R.E.M. eclectic on “Time,” and it’s the first time you realize that strong backing vocals would make a huge difference, especially on the “What about time,” parts instead of just “ahhhhs” in the background. A little two or three-part harmony never hurt anyone, right? Regardless, it’s somehow common man existential in its proclamation of, “What about time? I’m still standing here … and I don’t mind.”
Moe Green’s Eye is that band you can play for your friends and know that even if they haven’t heard the songs before, they’ll feel like they have. Their sound is reminiscent, while at the same time, it’s new. Give them a whirl and if they have more songs like “Fixed” in their arsenal coming up, you’ll be hearing from them sooner rather than later either way.
Genre: Rock, Indie
Anthony Galati – Vocals
Steve Siegel – Electric Guitar
Bob Gallagher – Drums
Jeff Mackey – Bass
1. Fixed
2. It’s Over Now
3. Stay
4. What About Time
Label: Independent