Since you have joined the Hardrock Haven forum, you already know who we are and what we do. We are a team of seasoned musicians, journalists, photographers, editors, and rabid Hard Rock/Heavy Metal fans bringing you the industry standard and above in everything we create for our music loving readers. We’ve been excelling at it for nearly 20 years.  

 Do you want to be part of that team? 

If so, just send an email to publisher (at) hardrockhaven.net and dmiller (at) hardrockhaven.net and let us know your interest. We’ll give you directions for a tryout from there. Put “Hardrock Haven reviewer” in the subject line. 

Keep in mind, the #1 thing we are looking for is writing ability. Yes, you need to have a depth of knowledge in the Hard Rock/Heavy Metal arena, but if you do not have the writing talent to clearly and concisely communicate in writing, we simply cannot add you to the Hardrock Haven roster.  

We look forward to seeing what you can do.  

Best of luck,
Hardrock Haven