by Joe Mis
– Senior Columnist —
Faithsedge has recently released their second studio album entitled The Answer of Insanity. This California-based quartet consists of vocalist/guitarist Giancarlo Floridia, well-respected bass player and producer Fabrizio Grossi, veteran guitarist Alex De Rosso and experienced drummer Tony Morra.
Front man Giancarlo Floridia has graciously volunteered to answer a few questions for Hardrock Haven.
Hardrock Haven: Thanks for taking the time to visit with Hardrock Haven. Congratulations on the release of your second CD – a great follow up to the band’s solid debut.
Giancarlo Floridia: Thank you and thanks for the support right off the bat from the first record you guys are one of my favorite websites. Your site is great! So thanks for having our backs from day one.
HRH: So what’s new with the band? Its been a while since Faithsedge dropped back in 2011, and you’ve managed to keep the core players together. Now you’ve joined forces with Eric Ragno and kept Alessandro Del Vecchio in the loop as well. How did all this come about?
GF: Yes a lot going on! Eric came into the picture after talking with Fabrizio Grossi about adding a few new elements to the band. Eric Ragno is of course the best of the best of keys guys and we became friends a few years back so it all just worked out. Alessandro came in at the tail end of the record. We talked on Facebook and he said how much he liked our first record. I am a huge fan of his work in Hardline so I was trying to make it all work with him playing also, and it worked out – and now he will be taking over the Faithsedge project and producing the next album. He and I are also talking about doing a 4th album also after we are done with the one we record next year.
HRH: What impressed me about the debut was the fact that you guys all recorded your parts while spread all across the world, but everything sounded like it was done in one place at the same time. Did you guys do the same with The Answer Of Insanity – or was there a bit more face-to-face work?
GF: I am glad we have good chemistry because this could have been a disaster too (laughs)! I really dig that we really sound like we are recording together, especially this new album. It’s very stripped down very real so I am glad we are able to capture that real band feel to it. But no, we did it the same way as the first record. I think we got tighter working together, so it has better overall tightness to it.
HRH: How do you guys manage to pull it all together while being so far apart?
GF: Well, Alex De Rosso can’t run! I will harass him until he he has no choice (but) to play on the record – so that how it is! (laughs) I think honestly Fabrizio pushing us as hard as he does makes it work well. Plus working with people that are easy to work with keeps it together because they are easy to just call up and say “Hey, you ready to record?”
HRH: So what’s different now. What sets The Answer Of Insanity apart from Faithsedge? In other words, how has the band evolved since the debut album?
GF: No more holding back my lyrics or vocals, no more being safe as a singer or a writer. First album I remember saying to myself I need to keep things safe so rock fans in general will enjoy the retro feel, and that’s great. But I needed take things to the next level and only one way of doing that is by just letting everything go and just really giving it everything, and not being safe on what I sing about or how I sing it.
HRH: Most, if not all, of your songwriting inspiration comes from real life, and I remember you saying that you do most of your composing on the guitar. Has anything changed since, and what roles did the other guys in the band play in the composition and production of the new album?
GF: Yes! I will mostly come up with a song idea on where I want to take the story. I will usually just tell a story on something I’ve seen or been through in my own life and try to make it understandable enough that people can relate to it on their own level. I refine lyrics over and over because I go nuts with words it has to be just right or I will not release the song. Fabrizio and I always work together so that stayed the same, but I did a co-write with Alex De Rosso on “Are We Gonna Stand?” and also with my friend Brandon Eski on “Revolve My World.”
HRH: The new album seems a little heavier and harder than the debut, but at the same time it seems that you manage to roll more different tones, tempos, and styles into the music. How do you see the band’s tone evolving?
GF: I just had to really get this aggressive demon off my back with the album, I just wanted to say what I needed to say and be aggressive as possible while still maintaining melodic music. It was a good challenge and I’m proud I was able to mix the harder tones with melodic vocals. I see it becoming it’s own Faithsedge sound – melodic and heavy too! I just want to put out the best songs possible and always be progressive.
HRH: Do you have a favorite track on the new album? Maybe one that you simply love to perform – or one with an extra special meaning?
GF: I really love the whole record but the most meaning and the most difficult to track the lead vocal was “Until Your Home” – about my daughter and I not living together as a family. It’s difficult and life is not always fair, so that song means a lot to me because although we might not be together right now it doesn’t mean for one minute that I am not thinking about her – so I wanted her to never forget that.
HRH: The whole album has a great sound. Tell us a little bit about the behind the scenes guys that helped the record sound its best.
GF: The thing is it’s very, very raw and not over produced and all trendy, like how that’s being overdone now! I tracked 5 lead vocals in less than a day including backgrounds. I think it being so old-school style is the highlight – that you know when you’re listening to it (that) I did they vocals in one take and just fixed a few spots, and that it wasn’t punched in a millions times then coated over with every vocal effect and tick and cheat in the book. It’s the real deal! So that to me is the highlight, that it’s a return to how this music should be done…
HRH: So what’s next for Faithsedge? Album number 3 in the works?…
GF: Yes! I am working on the last song now and we start pre-production, and start recording it in late January. I will going to Italy to work with Alessandro and record my stuff for the third album. Hopefully it will come out Christmas 2015. There will be a few really cool surprises with some new people playing on the next record, and everyone is going to be really excited when we (reveal) early next year. Big things coming!
HRH: And finally, is there anything else you like to share with our readers?
GF: Thank you for the support – it’s been overwhelming and I’m glad everyone digs what I am doing and where Faithsedge is going. And please support up and coming new artist in the music scene!
HRH: Thanks for taking the time to visit with Hardrock Haven. Good luck and much continued success!
For more on Faithsedge, visit http://faithsedgemusic.com/.
For HRH’s take on the album, visit: